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Magnitude and Frequency of Forces in Geomorphic Processes
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Liselot Arkesteijn, Astrid Blom, Matthew J. Czapiga, Víctor Chavarrías, Robert Jan Labeur The Quasi‐Equilibrium Longitudinal Profile in Backwater Reaches of the Engineered Alluvial River: A Space‐Marching Method, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 124, no.1111 (Nov 2019): 2542–2560.
Andrew J. Moodie, Jeffrey A. Nittrouer, Hongbo Ma, Brandee N. Carlson, Austin J. Chadwick, Michael P. Lamb, Gary Parker Modeling Deltaic Lobe‐Building Cycles and Channel Avulsions for the Yellow River Delta, China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 124, no.1111 (Nov 2019): 2438–2462.
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Cooper D. Stacey, Philip R. Hill, Peter J. Talling, Randolph J. Enkin, John Hughes Clarke, D. Gwyn Lintern, Jaco Baas How turbidity current frequency and character varies down a fjord‐delta system: Combining direct monitoring, deposits and seismic data, Sedimentology 66, no.11 (Jan 2019): 1–31.
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Amy E. East, Andrew W. Stevens, Andrew C. Ritchie, Patrick L. Barnard, Pamela Campbell‐Swarzenski, Brian D. Collins, Christopher H. Conaway A regime shift in sediment export from a coastal watershed during a record wet winter, California: Implications for landscape response to hydroclimatic extremes, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43, no.1212 (Jun 2018): 2562–2577.
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Evan Dethier, Francis J. Magilligan, Carl E. Renshaw, Keith H. Nislow The role of chronic and episodic disturbances on channel–hillslope coupling: the persistence and legacy of extreme floods, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41, no.1010 (May 2016): 1437–1447.
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Albert Rovira, Carles Ibáñez, Juan Pedro Martín-Vide Suspended sediment load at the lowermost Ebro River (Catalonia, Spain), Quaternary International 388 (Nov 2015): 188–198.
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Sarah Praskievicz A coupled hierarchical modeling approach to simulating the geomorphic response of river systems to anthropogenic climate change, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40, no.1212 (May 2015): 1616–1630.
Aaron D. Tamminga, Brett C. Eaton, Chris H. Hugenholtz UAS‐based remote sensing of fluvial change following an extreme flood event, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40, no.1111 (Mar 2015): 1464–1476.
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Paul DeVries, Robert Aldrich Assessment Approach for Identifying Compatibility of Restoration Projects with Geomorphic and Flooding Processes in Gravel Bed Rivers, Environmental Management 56, no.22 (Apr 2015): 549–568.
Rui Rivaes, Patricia M. Rodríguez-González, António Albuquerque, António N. Pinheiro, Gregory Egger, M.Teresa Ferreira Reducing river regulation effects on riparian vegetation using flushing flow regimes, Ecological Engineering 81 (Aug 2015): 428–438.
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Stefano Lanzoni, Rossella Luchi, Michele Bolla Pittaluga Modeling the morphodynamic equilibrium of an intermediate reach of the Po River (Italy), Advances in Water Resources 81 (Jul 2015): 95–102.
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Kirstie Fryirs, Peyton Lisenby, Jacky Croke Morphological and historical resilience to catastrophic flooding: The case of Lockyer Creek, SE Queensland, Australia, Geomorphology 241 (Jul 2015): 55–71.
Ellen Wohl Particle dynamics: The continuum of bedrock to alluvial river segments, Geomorphology 241 (Jul 2015): 192–208.
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Andrew B. Gray, Gregory B. Pasternack, Elizabeth B. Watson, Jonathan A. Warrick, Miguel A. Goñi Effects of antecedent hydrologic conditions, time dependence, and climate cycles on the suspended sediment load of the Salinas River, California, Journal of Hydrology 525 (Jun 2015): 632–649.
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Mara S. Zimmerman, Clayton Kinsel, Eric Beamer, Edward J. Connor, David E. Pflug Abundance, Survival, and Life History Strategies of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Skagit River, Washington, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144, no.33 (Apr 2015): 627–641.
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Cheng-Wei Kuo, Gary Brierley, Yo-Ho Chang Monitoring channel responses to flood events of low to moderate magnitudes in a bedrock-dominated river using morphological budgeting by terrestrial laser scanning, Geomorphology 235 (Apr 2015): 1–14.
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Franklin T. Heitmuller, Paul F. Hudson, William H. Asquith Lithologic and hydrologic controls of mixed alluvial–bedrock channels in flood-prone fluvial systems: Bankfull and macrochannels in the Llano River watershed, central Texas, USA, Geomorphology 232 (Mar 2015): 1–19.
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Louise J. Bracken, Laura Turnbull, John Wainwright, Patrick Bogaart Sediment connectivity: a framework for understanding sediment transfer at multiple scales, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40, no.22 (Sep 2014): 177–188.
John Barlow, Ivana Barisin, Nick Rosser, David Petley, Alexander Densmore, Tim Wright Seismically-induced mass movements and volumetric fluxes resulting from the 2010 Mw=7.2 earthquake in the Sierra Cucapah, Mexico, Geomorphology 230 (Feb 2015): 138–145.
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F.J. Magilligan, E.M. Buraas, C.E. Renshaw The efficacy of stream power and flow duration on geomorphic responses to catastrophic flooding, Geomorphology 228 (Jan 2015): 175–188.
E. Nadal-Romero, J.C. González-Hidalgo, N. Cortesi, G. Desir, J.A. Gómez, T. Lasanta, A. Lucía, C. Marín, J.F. Martínez-Murillo, E. Pacheco, M.L. Rodríguez-Blanco, A. Romero Díaz, J.D. Ruiz-Sinoga, E.V. Taguas, M.M. Taboada-Castro, M.T. Taboada-Castro, X. Úbeda, A. Zabaleta Relationship of runoff, erosion and sediment yield to weather types in the Iberian Peninsula, Geomorphology 228 (Jan 2015): 372–381.
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Violeta Tolorza, Sébastien Carretier, Christoff Andermann, Francisco Ortega-Culaciati, Luisa Pinto, María Mardones Contrasting mountain and piedmont dynamics of sediment discharge associated with groundwater storage variation in the Biobío River, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 119, no.1212 (Dec 2014): 2730–2753.
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Cheng‐Wei Kuo, Gary Brierley The influence of landscape connectivity and landslide dynamics upon channel adjustments and sediment flux in the Liwu Basin, Taiwan, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39, no.1515 (Jun 2014): 2038–2055.
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Karoline Messenzehl, Thomas Hoffmann, Richard Dikau Sediment connectivity in the high-alpine valley of Val Müschauns, Swiss National Park — linking geomorphic field mapping with geomorphometric modelling, Geomorphology 221 (Sep 2014): 215–229.
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Margret C. Fuchs, Richard Gloaguen, Matthias Krbetschek, Adam Szulc Rates of river incision across the main tectonic units of the Pamir identified using optically stimulated luminescence dating of fluvial terraces, Geomorphology 216 (Jul 2014): 79–92.
Ellen Wohl Time and the rivers flowing: Fluvial geomorphology since 1960, Geomorphology 216 (Jul 2014): 263–282.
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Mathias J. Collins, Johnathan P. Kirk, Joshua Pettit, Arthur T. DeGaetano, M. Sam McCown, Thomas C. Peterson, Tiffany N. Means, Xuebin Zhang Annual floods in New England (USA) and Atlantic Canada: synoptic climatology and generating mechanisms, Physical Geography 35, no.33 (Mar 2014): 195–219.
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Dirk Scherler, Henry Munack, Jürgen Mey, Patricia Eugster, Hella Wittmann, Alexandru T. Codilean, Peter Kubik, Manfred R. Strecker Ice dams, outburst floods, and glacial incision at the western margin of the Tibetan Plateau: A >100 k.y. chronology from the Shyok Valley, Karakoram, Geological Society of America Bulletin 126, no.5-65-6 (Feb 2014): 738–758.
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N. Lana‐Renault, E. Nadal‐Romero, M. P. Serrano‐Muela, B. Alvera, P. Sánchez‐Navarrete, Y. Sanjuan, J. M. García‐Ruiz Comparative analysis of the response of various land covers to an exceptional rainfall event in the central Spanish Pyrenees, October 2012, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39, no.55 (Aug 2013): 581–592.
Nathaniel Bergman, Ofer Sholker, Joel Roskin, Noam Greenbaum The Nahal Oz Reservoir dam-break flood: Geomorphic impact on a small ephemeral loess-channel in the semi-arid Negev Desert, Israel, Geomorphology 210 (Apr 2014): 83–97.
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Alberto Canestrelli, Stefano Lanzoni, Sergio Fagherazzi One-dimensional numerical modeling of the long-term morphodynamic evolution of a tidally-dominated estuary: The Lower Fly River (Papua New Guinea), Sedimentary Geology 301 (Mar 2014): 107–119.
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Shawn P. Schottler, Jason Ulrich, Patrick Belmont, Richard Moore, J. Wesley Lauer, Daniel R. Engstrom, James E. Almendinger Twentieth century agricultural drainage creates more erosive rivers, Hydrological Processes 28, no.44 (Mar 2013): 1951–1961.
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Laura Tiron Duţu, Mireille Provansal, Jérôme Le Coz, Florin Duţu Contrasted sediment processes and morphological adjustments in three successive cutoff meanders of the Danube delta, Geomorphology 204 (Jan 2014): 154–164.
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David J. Dean, John C. Schmidt The geomorphic effectiveness of a large flood on the Rio Grande in the Big Bend region: Insights on geomorphic controls and post-flood geomorphic response, Geomorphology 201 (Nov 2013): 183–198.
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Andrew D. Wickert, Jerry X. Mitrovica, Carlie Williams, Robert S. Anderson Gradual demise of a thin southern Laurentide ice sheet recorded by Mississippi drainage, Nature 502, no.74737473 (Oct 2013): 668–671.
S. A. Dunning, A. R. G. Large, A. J. Russell, M. J. Roberts, R. Duller, J. Woodward, A.-S. Meriaux, F. S. Tweed, M. Lim The role of multiple glacier outburst floods in proglacial landscape evolution: The 2010 Eyjafjallajokull eruption, Iceland, Geology 41, no.1010 (Jul 2013): 1123–1126.
Alessandro Frascati, Stefano Lanzoni A mathematical model for meandering rivers with varying width, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118, no.33 (Sep 2013): 1641–1657.
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Christian H. Mohr, Ruben Coppus, Andrés Iroumé, Anton Huber, Axel Bronstert Runoff generation and soil erosion processes after clear cutting, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118, no.22 (May 2013): 814–831.
John Pitlick, Jeff Marr, Jim Pizzuto Width adjustment in experimental gravel‐bed channels in response to overbank flows, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118, no.22 (May 2013): 553–570.
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Peter W. Downs, Scott R. Dusterhoff, William A. Sears Reach-scale channel sensitivity to multiple human activities and natural events: Lower Santa Clara River, California, USA, Geomorphology 189 (May 2013): 121–134.
O. Navratil, P. Breil, L. Schmitt, L. Grosprêtre, M.B. Albert Hydrogeomorphic adjustments of stream channels disturbed by urban runoff (Yzeron River basin, France), Journal of Hydrology 485 (Apr 2013): 24–36.
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Thomas M. Yanosky, Robert D. Jarrett Dendrochronologic Evidence for the Frequency and Magnitude of Paleofloods, (Mar 2013): 77–89.
Benjamin H. Mackey, Michael P. Lamb Deciphering boulder mobility and erosion from cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118, no.11 (Mar 2013): 184–197.
Miguel A. Goñi, Jeff A. Hatten, Robert A. Wheatcroft, Jeffry C. Borgeld Particulate organic matter export by two contrasting small mountainous rivers from the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A., Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 118, no.11 (Feb 2013): 112–134.
J. Carlos Gonzalez-Hidalgo, Ramon J. Batalla, Artemi Cerda Catchment size and contribution of the largest daily events to suspended sediment load on a continental scale, CATENA 102 (Mar 2013): 40–45.
Jonathan D. Woodruff, Anna P. Martini, Emhmed Z.H. Elzidani, Thomas J. Naughton, Daniel J. Kekacs, Daniel G. MacDonald Off-river waterbodies on tidal rivers: Human impact on rates of infilling and the accumulation of pollutants, Geomorphology 184 (Feb 2013): 38–50.
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