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Trade‐Offs between Immune Investment and Sexual Signaling in Male Mallards
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Michael W. Butler, Kevin J. McGraw Indoor Housing during Development Affects Moult, Carotenoid Circulation and Beak Colouration of Mallard Ducks (Anas Platyrhynchos), 2, no.44 (Nov 2009): 203–211.
Péter László Pap, Csongor István Vágási, Gábor Árpád Czirják, Adriana Titilincu, Adela Pintea, Zoltán Barta Carotenoids modulate the effect of coccidian infection on the condition and immune response in moulting house sparrows, 212, no.2020 (Oct 2009): 3228–3235.
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Jonathan D. Blount, Kevin J. McGraw Signal Functions of Carotenoid Colouration, (Jan 2008): 213–236.
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