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Association for the Study of African American Life and History
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Jean M. Allman #HerskovitsMustFall? A Meditation on Whiteness, African Studies, and the Unfinished Business of 1968, 62, no.33 (Aug 2019): 6–39.Kevin A Yelvington ‘A Conference That Didn’t’: African Diaspora Studies and an episode in anthropology’s identity politics of representation, 38, no.44 (Dec 2018): 407–432.Branwen Gruffydd Jones Africanist Scholarship, Eurocentrism and the Politics of Knowledge, (Jan 2015): 114–135.Jerry Gershenhorn ST. CLAIR DRAKE, PAN-AFRICANISM, AFRICAN STUDIES, AND THE POLITICS OF KNOWLEDGE, 1945–1965, 98, no.33 (Nov 2017): 422–433.