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This article was published in The International Journal of Ethics (1890-1938), which is continued by Ethics (1938-present).Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:
Tereza Østbø Kuldova Compliance, Defiance, and Regulations in the Art World: Reflections on the (A)Moral Turn to Financialized Ethics, (Aug 2024): 123–166.Dimitrios Thomakos, Panos Xidonas The origins of forward-looking decision making: Cybernetics, operational research, and the foundations of forecasting,Decision Analytics Journal 8 (Sep 2023): 100284.Yeon-Jin Sim, Jeongmin Kim, Jaehyeon Choi, Jun-Ho Huh System Design for Detecting Real Estate Speculation Abusing Inside Information: For the Fair Reallocation of Land,Land 11, no.44 (Apr 2022): 565.Paolo Paesani, Annalisa Rosselli Early Reflections on the Democratization of Organized Markets and Their Regulations, (Feb 2022): 43–59.Paolo Paesani, Annalisa Rosselli How speculation became respectable: early theories on financial and commodity markets,The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 28, no.22 (Sep 2020): 273–291.Paolo Paesani, Annalisa Rosselli Destabilizing Speculation on Organized Markets: Early Perspectives in the Spirit of Marshall, (Oct 2020): 187–206.Ingo Pies, Matthias Georg Will, Thomas Glauben, SSren Prehn The Ethics of Financial Speculation in Futures Markets,SSRN Electronic Journal 90 (Jan 2013).Aldona Zawojska Spekulacja jako forma aktywności ekonomicznej – aspekty moralne i etyczne,Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika i Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej , no.8383 (Jun 2010): 81–93.Robert E. Prasch Monsignor John Ryan on the ethics and economics of minimum wage legislation, (Mar 2015): 39–70.James J. Angel, Douglas M. McCabe The Ethics of Speculation,Journal of Business Ethics 90, no.S3S3 (Mar 2010): 277–286.