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Richards Expanding the Scope and Scale of Risk in TPC: Water Access and the Colorado River Basin, 32, no.33 (May 2023): 224–241.Stephen M Young Our Legal Borders: Interrelated Constructions of Individual and Political Bodies, 34, no.22 (Jul 2022): 207–226.Tim Rhodes, Kari Lancaster Early warnings and slow deaths: A sociology of outbreak and overdose, 117 (Jul 2023): 104065.Tankut Atuk, Susan L Craddock Social pathologies and urban pathogenicity: Moving towards better pandemic futures, 60, no.99 (May 2022): 1668–1689.Laurie A. Wilkie, Katherine M. Kinkopf Black Disability Politics in Black Military Service: A Perspective from Nineteenth-Century Fort Davis, Texas, 17 (Jun 2023): 1–23.Craig Jones Gaza and the Great March of Return: Enduring violence and spaces of wounding, 48, no.22 (Sep 2022): 249–262.Xisai Song A “Rich People’s Disease”: Migrant Workers and Structural Disability in China, 42, no.33 (Mar 2023): 264–277.Katherine Brickell, Sabina Lawreniuk, Theavy Chhom, Reach Mony, Hengvotey So, Lauren McCarthy ‘Worn out’: debt discipline, hunger, and the gendered contingencies of the COVID-19 pandemic amongst Cambodian garment workers, 24, no.3-43-4 (Apr 2022): 600–619.Arjun Shankar Moral Economies, Developmentalist Sovereignty, and Affective Strain, (Mar 2023): 162–184.Karishma Desai Immaterial Precarity and Affective States of Anticipation: NGO Afterlives of Non‐Elite Young Women in Urban India, 54, no.11 (Jul 2022): 6–21.Alex Broom, Michelle Peterie, Katherine Kenny, Gaby Ramia, Nadine Ehlers The administration of harm: From unintended consequences to harm by design, 43, no.11 (Apr 2022): 51–75.Sarada Balagopalan On the banality of attrition in the lives of chronically marginalized children, 30, no.11 (Jan 2023): 3–8.Ruth Cruickshank Placing lost intersectional plots in Houellebecq's Anéantir (2022): Race, climate and scandalous textual necropolitics, 34, no.11 (Jan 2023): 92–105.Sudarshan R. 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Dasgupta, Churnjeet Mahn Between visibility and elsewhere: South Asian queer creative cultures and resistance, 15, no.11 (Feb 2023): 1–16.Erika Alm, Linda Berg Parenting the Nation: State Violence and Reproduction in Nicaragua and Sweden, (Jun 2023): 213–240.Nazia Manzoor, Wen Liu Protest-Selbstmord dekolonisieren: Performing Life in Hongkong, (Oct 2023): 69–82.Rishi Jha Necrosettlements: Life-threatening housing, necropolitics and the poor's deadly living in Mumbai, 100 (Jan 2023): 102815.R. Sanchez‐Rivera From preventive eugenics to slippery eugenics: Population control and contemporary sterilisations targeted to indigenous peoples in Mexico, 45, no.11 (Oct 2022): 128–144.Matthew Shutzer, Arpitha Kodiveri “A Vast Bed of Combustible Fuel”, 2023, no.145145 (Jan 2023): 13–36.Grzegorz Sokół Working Through What Is. Depression and the Predicament of Reality in Poland, (Jan 2023).M. Mayar Intergeneric Fields of Erasure: Reading Philip Metres’s Sand Opera as Document-Poetry, 68, no.22 (Jan 2023): 233–243.Ana Deumert Pasts, presents and futures: discourses of colonization and decolonization, 36, no.1-21-2 (Oct 2022): 23–34.Tiffany Page L’écriture vulnérable, une pratique méthodologique féministe, , no.6868 (Dec 2022): 116–127.Nia C. Parson, Heather M. Wurtz, Meghan Lowrey, Cit’Clatli Santos “Life will go on with the beauty of the roses”: The moral dimensions of coping with distress through autobiographical writing during Covid-19, 2 (Dec 2022): 100156.Deana Kanagasingam Addressing the complexity of equitable care for larger patients: A critical realist framework, 2 (Dec 2022): 100137.Joshua D. M. Shaw, Daniel Konikoff When Prisoners’ “Right to Die” Goes Online: A Case-Study of Legal and Penal Sensibilities, 37, no.33 (Jun 2022): 451–471.Rohit K. 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Morris Purgatory islands and climate death-worlds: Interrogating the journalistic imperative to witness the climate crisis through the lens of war, 3, no.11 (Oct 2022): 85–100.Suzanne Fraser, David Moore, Adrian Farrugia, Renae Fomiatti, Michael Edwards, Elizabeth Birbilis, Carla Treloar Exhausted practical sovereignty and lateral agency: Non-uptake of treatment for hepatitis C in the antiviral era, 107 (Sep 2022): 103771.Katherine Brickell, Sabina Lawreniuk Reduced ‘fates of the body’ and ‘production of value for others’ in the global garment industry: Thinking with Berlant on eating and hunger during the COVID ‐19 pandemic, 188, no.33 (Jun 2022): 464–467.Martijn Konings, Lisa Adkins Re-thinking the Liquid Core of Capitalism with Hyman Minsky, 39, no.55 (Feb 2022): 43–60.Kath Weston, Elizabeth Freeman, Tyler Bradway How Did It Come to This? Talking Kinship with Kath Weston, (Aug 2022): 291–302.Meshell L. Sturgis, Ralina L. 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Epele When Life Becomes a Burden at the Urban Margins of Buenos Aires, 39, no.22 (Dec 2019): 153–166.Pushpesh Kumar Mapping queer ‘celebratory moment’ in India: necropolitics or substantive democracy?, 55, no.11 (Jan 2020): 159–176.Pamela Block Activism, Anthropology, and Disability Studies in Times of Austerity: In Collaboration with Sini Diallo, 61, no.S21S21 (Nov 2019): S68–S75.Gideon van Riet Intermediating Between Conflict and Security: Private Security Companies as Infrastructures of Security in Post-apartheid South Africa, 47, no.11 (Jan 2020): 81–98.Christine Quinan, Kathrin Thiele Biopolitics, necropolitics, cosmopolitics – feminist and queer interventions: an introduction, 29, no.11 (Dec 2019): 1–8.James J. Hodge The Subject of Always-On Computing: Thomas Ogden’s ‘Autistic-Contiguous Position’ and the Animated GIF, 26, no.11 (Sep 2020): 65–75.Stanislaw P. Stawicki, Michael S. Firstenberg, Thomas J. Papadimos The Growing Role of Social Media in International Health Security: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, (Jan 2020): 341–357.Sebastian Abrahamsson, Endre Dányi Becoming stronger by becoming weaker: the hunger strike as a mode of doing politics, 22, no.44 (Feb 2018): 882–898.Nirmala Erevelles “Scenes of Subjection” in Public Education: Thinking Intersectionally as If Disability Matters, 55, no.66 (Nov 2019): 592–605.Sneha Krishnan Killing Us Slowly: Pre‐Empting Suicide at a Women’s Hostel in Chennai, 51, no.55 (Aug 2019): 1515–1533.Anthony Ryan Hatch, Sonya Sternlieb, Julia Gordon Sugar ecologies: their metabolic and racial effects, 22, no.55 (Jul 2019): 595–607.Alyshia Gálvez Transnational Mother Blame: Protecting and Caring in a Globalized Context, 38, no.77 (Oct 2019): 574–587.Kate Coddington The slow violence of life without cash: borders, state restrictions, and exclusion in the U.K. and Australia ⋆, 109, no.44 (Nov 2019): 527–543.Samantha Pinto, Jewel Pereyra The Wake and the Work of Culture: Memorialization Practices in Post-Katrina Black Feminist Poetics, 44, no.33 (Aug 2019): 1–20.Greg Bird, Heather Lynch Introduction to the politics of life: A biopolitical mess, 22, no.33 (Apr 2019): 301–316.Katrine Meldgaard Kjær Detoxing feels good: dieting and affect in 22Days Nutrition and goop detoxes, 19, no.55 (Sep 2018): 702–716.Dan Goodley, Rebecca Lawthom, Kirsty Liddiard, Katherine Runswick-Cole Provocations for Critical Disability Studies, 34, no.66 (Mar 2019): 972–997.Giulia Carabelli Love, activism, and the possibility of radical social change in Mostar, 23, no.22 (Jun 2019): 182–196.Michael Vine Beyond Touch: Cultivating Caring Atmospheres in Arid America, 22, no.11 (Apr 2019): 22–34.Gavin J. Andrews, Cameron Duff Matter beginning to matter: On posthumanist understandings of the vital emergence of health, 226 (Apr 2019): 123–134.Jennifer Hyndman Unsettling feminist geopolitics: forging feminist political geographies of violence and displacement, 26, no.11 (May 2019): 3–29.Randi Gressgård The racialized death-politics of urban resilience governance, 25, no.11 (Dec 2017): 11–26.Sofia Zaragocin Gendered Geographies of Elimination: Decolonial Feminist Geographies in Latin American Settler Contexts, 51, no.11 (Oct 2018): 373–392.Marina Welker The architecture of cigarette circulation: marketing work on Indonesia's retail infrastructure, 24, no.44 (Sep 2018): 669–691.Chihyung Jeon The Alpha Human versus the Korean: Figuring the Human through Technoscientific Networks, 12, no.44 (Oct 2020): 459–478.Sabiha Allouche A Review of Jasbir Puar’s The Right to Maim (and additional interjections), 4, no.WinterWinter (Dec 2018): 236–241.Thomas Michel The Lifeblood of the Cyborg: Or, the shared organism of a modern energy corporation and a small Northern Territory town, 45 (Nov 2018): 224–234.Drake Logan Toxic violence: The politics of militarized toxicity in Iraq and Afghanistan, 30, no.44 (Jan 2019): 253–283.Gary L. Baker The Violence of Precarity and the Appeal of Routine in Jenny Erpenbeck’s Gehen, ging, gegangen, 54, no.44 (Nov 2018): 504–521.Jacqueline Sheean A (new) specter haunts Europe: the political legibility of Spain’s hologram protests, 19, no.44 (Oct 2018): 465–480.Rosemary‐Claire Collard Disaster Capitalism and the Quick, Quick, Slow Unravelling of Animal Life, 50, no.44 (Mar 2018): 910–928.Robert A. Rubinstein, Sandra D. Lane, Lookman Mojeed, Shaundel Sanchez, Elise Catania, Timothy Jennings-Bey, Arnett Haygood-El, and Edward Mitchell Jr. Blood in the Rust Belt: Mourning and Memorialization in the Context of Community Violence, 59, no.44 (Jul 2018): 439–454.Wesley Attewell “From factory to field”: USAID and the logistics of foreign aid in Soviet-occupied Afghanistan, 36, no.44 (May 2017): 719–738.Micaela Sahhar, Michael R. Griffiths Inquiry mentality and occasional mourning in the settler colonial carceral, 32, no.44 (Jul 2018): 444–458.Tiffany Page Sustaining Life: Rethinking Modes of Agency in Vulnerability, 33, no.9797 (Nov 2018): 281–298.Tracy Tidgwell, May Friedman, Jen Rinaldi, Crystal Kotow, Emily R.M. Lind Introduction to the special issue: Fatness and temporality, 7, no.22 (Nov 2017): 115–123.China Mills ‘Dead people don’t claim’: A psychopolitical autopsy of UK austerity suicides, 38, no.22 (Aug 2017): 302–322.Tony Kemerly, Trisha Kemerly A Supernatural Tale of Agency, Othering, and Oppression: The Road So Far, 29, no.11 (Mar 2018): 51–63.Dan Goodley, Kirsty Liddiard, Katherine Runswick-Cole Feeling disability: theories of affect and critical disability studies, 33, no.22 (Nov 2017): 197–217.Anne (Anna) Ríos-Rojas, Mark Stern Do “Undocumented Aliens” Dream of Neoliberal Sheep?: Conditional DREAMing and Decolonial Imaginaries, 51, no.11 (May 2018): 92–106.Sarah E. Tracy Delicious molecules: big food science, the chemosenses, and umami, 13, no.11 (Mar 2018): 89–107.Ella Butler Tasting off-flavors: food science, sensory knowledge and the consumer sensorium, 13, no.11 (Mar 2018): 75–88.Regenia Gagnier Coda on Processes of Sex, Gender, and Desire in the Anthropocene, (Nov 2018): 217–235.Oliver Belcher Anatomy of a village razing: Counterinsurgency, violence, and securing the intimate in Afghanistan, 62 (Jan 2018): 94–105.Elizabeth Stone Is There “Hope for Every Addicted American”? The New U.S. War on Drugs, 7, no.11 (Dec 2017): 3.Michelle Fine, María Elena Torre, David M. Frost, Allison L. Cabana Queer solidarities: New activisms erupting at the intersection of structural precarity and radical misrecognition, 6, no.22 (Dec 2018): 608–630.Anja Michaelsen Feeling differently together: The It Gets Better Project as an unlikely intimate public of LGBT peers, 25 (Nov 2017): 144–149.Alida Cantor Material, Political, and Biopolitical Dimensions of “Waste” in California Water Law, 49, no.55 (Feb 2017): 1204–1222.Annelies Van Assche The future of dance and/as work: performing precarity, 18, no.33 (Oct 2017): 237–251.Georgina Ramsay Incommensurable Futures and Displaced Lives: Sovereignty as Control over Time, 29, no.33 (Sep 2017): 515–538.María Teresa Buitrago Echeverri, César Ernesto Abadía-Barrero, Consuelo Granja Palacios Work-related illness, work-related accidents, and lack of social security in Colombia, 187 (Aug 2017): 118–125.Peter Benson Big Football: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Culture and Color of Injury in America’s Most Popular Sport, 41, no.44 (May 2017): 307–334.Katariina Kyrölä, Hannele Harjunen Phantom/liminal fat and feminist theories of the body, 18, no.22 (Mar 2017): 99–117.Oscar Pedraza Sobre la velocidad de la muerte, sus formas de captura y la extracción de carbón en Cerrejón, , no.208208 (Jun 2017): 101–133.Linda Steele Temporality, disability and institutional violence: revisiting In re F, 26, no.33 (Mar 2018): 378–400.Christina Amelia Rosa Malatzky Australian women's complex engagement with the yummy mummy discourse and the bodily ideals of good motherhood, 62 (May 2017): 25–33.Camilo Sanz Out-of-Sync Cancer Care: Health Insurance Companies, Biomedical Practices, and Clinical Time in Colombia, 36, no.33 (Jan 2017): 187–201.Sara Smith, Pavithra Vasudevan Race, biopolitics, and the future: Introduction to the special section, 35, no.22 (Mar 2017): 210–221.Tiffany Page Vulnerable Writing as a Feminist Methodological Practice, 115, no.11 (Mar 2017): 13–29.Ann Travers, Mary Shearman The Sochi Olympics, Celebration Capitalism, and Homonationalist Pride, 41, no.11 (Dec 2016): 42–69.Matthew Kohrman Curating Employee Ethics: Self-Glory Amidst Slow Violence at The China Tobacco Museum, 36, no.11 (Apr 2016): 47–60.Regenia Gagnier A SYMBIOLOGICAL APPROACH TO SEX, GENDER, AND DESIRE IN THE ANTHROPOCENE, 22, no.11 (Mar 2017): 11–21.Carla Rice, Eliza Chandler, Jen Rinaldi, Nadine Changfoot, Kirsty Liddiard, Roxanne Mykitiuk, Ingrid Mündel Imagining Disability Futurities, 32, no.22 (Jan 2020): 213–229.Judith Butler, Luz Hincapié Vulnerabilidad corporal, coalición y la política de la calle, , no.4646 (Jan 2017): 13–29.Daniel G. Cockayne Sharing and neoliberal discourse: The economic function of sharing in the digital on-demand economy, 77 (Dec 2016): 73–82.Debbie Lisle Waiting for International Political Sociology: A Field Guide to Living In-Between, 10, no.44 (Jan 2017): 417–433.Penelope Deutscher Lynne Huffer’s Are the Lips a Grave? Averting and Accentuating the Genealogical, 27, no.33 (Dec 2016): 132–144.Michelle Fine, Cory Greene, Sonia Sanchez Neoliberal Blues and Prec(ar)ious Knowledge, 48, no.44 (Aug 2016): 499–519.Elise Ann Geist Duwe Toward a Story Powerful Enough to Reduce Health Inequities in Indian Country, 22, no.88 (Jul 2016): 624–635.Thomas Cousins Antiretroviral Therapy and Nutrition in Southern Africa: Citizenship and the Grammar of Hunger, 35, no.55 (Jan 2016): 433–446.Max Cavitch “Do you love me?”: The question of the queer child of psychoanalysis, 21, no.33 (Sep 2016): 256–274.Frances McDonald “Ha-Ha and Again Ha-Ha”: Laughter, Affect, and Emotion in Nathanael West’s The Day of the Locust, 88, no.33 (Sep 2016): 541–568.Calvin Warren Black Interiority, Freedom, and the Impossibility of Living, 38, no.22 (Feb 2016): 107–121.Nadine Ehlers Risking ‘Safety’: Breast Cancer, Prognosis, and the Strategic Enterprise of Life, 37, no.11 (Jun 2014): 81–94.Sneha Krishnan Agency, intimacy, and rape jokes: an ethnographic study of young women and sexual risk in Chennai, 22, no.11 (Dec 2015): 67–83.Janet Price, Nidhi Goyal The Fluid Connections and Uncertain Spaces of Women with Disabilities: Making Links Across and Beyond the Global South, (Nov 2016): 303–321.Olivia Banner Immunizing the Social Network: Public Health and the “Troubled Teenager” in Digital Media, (Sep 2016): 95–119.Brett Nicholls Everyday Modulation: Dataism, Health Apps, and the Production of Self-Knowledge, (Nov 2016): 101–120.Katsura Sako, Sarah Falcus Dementia, Care and Time in Postwar Japan: The Twilight Years, Memories of Tomorrow and Pecoross’ Mother and Her Days, 111, no.11 (Nov 2015): 88–108.Sadie Wearing, Yasmin Gunaratnam, Irene Gedalof Introduction Frailty and Debility, 111, no.11 (Nov 2015): 1–9.Wesley Attewell Ghosts in the Delta: USAID and the historical geographies of Vietnam's ‘other’ war, 47, no.1111 (Jan 2015): 2257–2275.Elizabeth Adan, Benjamin Bateman Emergent Precarities and Lateral Aesthetics, 2015, no.8585 (Nov 2015): 107–118.Daniel Ante-Contreras Change the World with a Bullet: The Cold War Origins of the School Shooting Film, 32, no.77 (Aug 2015): 643–659.Sylvain Perdigon “For Us It Is Otherwise”: Three Sketches on Making Poverty Sensible in the Palestinian Refugee Camps of Lebanon, 56, no.S11S11 (Nov 2015): S88–S96.MICHAEL WATTS Adapting to the Anthropocene: Some Reflections on Development and Climate in the West African Sahel, 53, no.33 (Jun 2015): 288–297.Maria Gurevich, Alexander T. Vasilovsky, Amy Brown-Bowers, Stephanie Cosma Affective conjunctions: Social norms, semiotic circuits, and fantasy, 25, no.44 (Jun 2015): 513–540.Nigel Clark Fiery Arts: Pyrotechnology and the Political Aesthetics of the Anthropocene, 1, no.22 (Nov 2015): 266–284.Lynne Friedli, Robert Stearn Positive affect as coercive strategy: conditionality, activation and the role of psychology in UK government workfare programmes, 41, no.11 (Jun 2015): 40–47.Michael Nebeling Petersen, Lene Myong (Un)liveabilities: Homonationalism and transnational adoption, 18, no.33 (Nov 2014): 329–345.Sima Shakhsari The queer time of death: Temporality, geopolitics, and refugee rights, 17, no.88 (Oct 2014): 998–1015.Lindsey Dillon Race, Waste, and Space: Brownfield Redevelopment and Environmental Justice at the Hunters Point Shipyard, 46, no.55 (Oct 2014): 1205–1221.Sebastian Abrahamsson Cooking, eating and digesting: Notes on the emergent normativities of food and speeds, 23, no.33 (Oct 2014): 287–308.Eliza Steinbock Photographic Flashes: On Imaging Trans Violence in Heather Cassils' Durational Art, 7, no.33 (Apr 2015): 253–268.Susan Greenhalgh, Megan A. 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