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Scrutinizing the Street: Poverty, Morality, and the Pitfalls of Urban Ethnography
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Sykes, Anjuli Verma The Problem of “Cameo Appearances” in Mixed-methods Research: Implications for Twenty-first-century Ethnography, 61, no.22 (Feb 2018): 314–334.Mayukh Dewan Understanding Ethnography: An ‘Exotic’ Ethnographer’s Perspective, (Feb 2018): 185–203.Loïc Wacquant Bourdieu Comes to Town: Pertinence, Principles, Applications, 42, no.11 (Jan 2018): 90–105.Joseph Spillane Inside The Fantastic Lodge: Relational ties, gender, and addict identity, 31 (Nov 2018): 65–84.Taylor Price, Antony Puddephatt Power, Emergence, and the Meanings of Resistance: Open access Scholarly Publishing in Canada, (Aug 2017): 95–115.Victor M. 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Finn, Daniel Briggs, Sylvie Bernard-Patel, Roger Waldinger, Helen Thornham, Anthony Oberschall, Tramayne M. Butler, M. Y. Alam, Carl Hylton, Katherine Aumer-Ryan, Giorgia Doná, Getnet Bitew Book reviews, 33, no.88 (Jul 2010): 1471–1488.By Patricia Ticineto Clough The Case of Sociology: Governmentality and Methodology Patricia Ticineto Clough, 36, no.44 (Jul 2015): 627–641.Nicholas Bauch The Academic Geography Video Genre: A Methodological Examination, 4, no.55 (May 2010): 475–484.Nathan Edward Fosse The Repertoire of Infidelity among Low-Income Men: Doubt, Duty, and Destiny, 629, no.11 (May 2010): 125–143.Isaac Ariail Reed Epistemology Contextualized: Social-Scientific Knowledge in a Postpositivist Era, 28, no.11 (Mar 2010): 20–39.Margarethe Kusenbach Salvaging Decency: Mobile Home Residents’ Strategies of Managing the Stigma of “Trailer” Living, 32, no.44 (Oct 2009): 399–428.James F. Short, Lorine A. 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Adler, Peter Adler Of Rhetoric and Representation: The Four Faces of Ethnography, 49, no.11 (Dec 2016): 1–30.Milan Zafirovski ‘Neo-Feudalism’ in America? Conservatism in Relation to European Feudalism, 17, no.33 (Oct 2007): 393–427.Greggor Mattson Urban Ethnography's “Saloon Problem” and Its Challenge to Public Sociology, 6, no.22 (Jun 2007): 75–94.Eric A. Stewart, Ronald L. Simons Structure and Culture in African American Adolescent Violence: A Partial Test of the “Code of the Street” Thesis, 23, no.11 (Feb 2007): 1–33.Loïc Wacquant Carnal Connections: On Embodiment, Apprenticeship, and Membership, 28, no.44 (Dec 2005): 445–474.Steve Hall, Simon Winlow Night-time leisure and violence in the breakdown of the pseudo-pacification process, 52, no.44 (Dec 2005): 376–389.Bowen Paulle Culture and Ghetto Related Behavior ? 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