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Seed and Funicle Morphology of Fumariaceae‐Fumarioideae: Systematic Implications and Evolutionary Patterns

Department of Natural Environment Sciences, Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606‐8501, Japan


This article reports the seed and funicle morphology of Fumarioideae with dehiscent fruits, covering 11 genera (106 species) for seeds and 11 genera (48 species) for funicles. The results are discussed referring to a hypothetical phylogeny based on chloroplast DNA sequences and morphology. Weak seed curvature is a synapomorphy of the IchtyoselmisDicentra clade, and the truncate hilar region and laterally elongated arilbase ambiguously support the DactylicapnosCorydalis clade, but in both cases, it is necessary to assume reversals or parallel changes elsewhere in the subfamily. Otherwise, seed morphological characters are poor phylogenetic markers at the genus level as a result of high homoplasy and polymorphism within the operational taxonomic units. Although seed morphology is not very informative for the phylogeny among the terminal taxa, most of them can be identified by a combination of characters. Ehrendorferia, Dicentra, Dactylicapnos sect. Dactylicapnos (except for Dactylicapnos paucinervia), Cysticapnos s. str., and Pseudofumaria each possesses a unique hilar region topography and is supported as monophyletic. Three or five independent origins of arils are assumed in Fumarioideae. This is compatible with the diversity in the location of the arils (raphe vs. raphe‐hilar region) and with the morphology of the primordia. Each taxon possesses either hilar concavity or funicle receptacles, both of which may contribute to stabilization of seeds in fruits. The former state is assumed to have originated independently in four clades. A functional association is indicated among distinctly truncate hilar regions, platelike funicle apices, and explosive fruit dehiscence in Corydalis subg. Corydalis. These results emphasize the importance of funicle morphology in the functional interpretation of seed morphology.


The diversity in seed morphology can be described in terms of size, shape, surface sculpture, and the morphology of the micropyle, hilum, raphe, chalaza, and various subsidiary appendages (Kapil et al. 1980; Boesewinkel and Bouman 1984; Werker 1997). They often constitute a valuable source of information in diagnosing already circumscribed taxa and/or in phylogenetic inference (Cactaceae, Barthlott and Voit 1979; Ericaceae‐Pyroloideae, Takahashi 1993; Hydrangeaceae, Hufford 1995). However, as with many other phenotypic characters, homoplasy is common as a result of the functional significance of characters as hypothesized by ecologists and morphologists (Harper et al. 1970; van der Pijl 1972; Werker 1997), but much of the diversity remains unexplained. In this article, I describe the seed morphology of Fumariaceae subfamily Fumarioideae (=Papaveraceae subfamily Fumarioideae) and explore (1) how seed morphology could contribute to phylogenetic inference and (2) to which functional factors it may be correlated.

Fumarioideae consists of 19 genera according to a recent proposal (Lidén et al. 1997). The subfamily is variable in seed‐coat (hardness, color, and surface) and arils (presence or absence, size, and shape), which have long been sources of taxonomic characters (Fedde 1936; Ryberg 1960). Fumarioid species have either indehiscent fruits or dehiscent capsules. In the latter, the seeds are the functional unit of dispersal and often bear a whitish aril (elaiosome). Several recent studies have discussed different seed characters. Gunn (1980) gave a key to the fumarioid genera based on the seed characters and classified the fumariaceous genera into two “seed alliances,” one with curved seeds and the other with folded seeds. Brückner (1985) gave detailed descriptions, illustrations, and SEM micrographs of the seed morphology in ca. 20 species of Capnoides, Corydalis, Pseudofumaria, and Ceratocapnos. She emphasized the taxonomic significance of the morphology of the micropyle, the hilum, and the basal part of the aril (arilbase). Her descriptions served as a support for a later revision of Corydalis (Lidén 1986; Lidén et al. 1997). Several taxonomic monographs have utilized seed surface sculpture (Dactylicapnos, Khánh 1973; Korean Corydalis, Oh and Kim 1988). The species of Corydalis sect. Corydalis with peculiar spirally twisted arils are grouped into the series Helicosyne Lidén (Lidén and Zetterlund 1997).

In the last decade, phylogenetic hypotheses within Fumarioideae were presented by Lidén (1986), Loconte et al. (1995), and Lidén et al. (1997). The first and second were based on morphological characters, and the last was inferred from chloroplast DNA sequences. These studies differ not only in the resultant phylogeny but also in the choice of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and out‐groups. However, each of them implied homoplastic changes in seed‐coat thickness and the presence or absence of arils. The seed alliances defined by Gunn (1980) also appear polyphyletic in the above phylogenies.

I am therefore motivated to analyze the variation in seed morphology of Fumarioideae, referring to phylogenetic hypotheses of the subfamily. However, the only previous comprehensive study on the fumarioid seeds (Gunn 1980) is based on macroscopic data, and more important, the descriptions are given to the genera circumscribed by Fedde (1936) that have proved to be often nonmonophyletic (Lidén 1986, 1993; Fukuhara and Lidén 1995a, 1995b; Lidén et al. 1995, 1997). Therefore, I first describe the seed morphology of Fumarioideae, with an emphasis on the dehiscent‐fruited taxa. Indehiscent‐fruited taxa are poorly represented; because enough samples are not available and because their seeds are not independent functional units during the dispersal process, comparisons are often not possible. I also pay attention to the characters of the funicles, which should be correlated to the seed characters (Berg 1969) but have not been explored in most groups.

Material and Methods


Both FAA‐pickled and dried samples are used (see appendix, table A1). The seed samples represent 11 genera and 106 species that cover all the genera and subgenera with dehiscent fruits as well as five genera (eight species) with indehiscent fruits. The funicle and ovule samples represent 11 genera (48 species) and eight genera (14 species), respectively (designated by superscripts a and b in the appendix, table A1). Descriptions for external morphology of seeds and placenta were made with a stereoscopic microscope and scanning electron microscopes (SEM). Longitudinal sections of seeds were observed with an optical microscope after conventional paraffin sectioning (see Fukuhara 1992). The samples for SEM observations were gradually dehydrated with ethanol, critical‐point dried, coated with gold, and observed with JEOL JSM25II and Hitachi S‐3150.

Descriptions and Terminology

I follow some descriptive terms used in previous studies on the fumarioid seeds (Brückner 1985; Fukuhara 1992) and in the taxonomic monograph of Lidén and Zetterlund (1997) for the shape of arils in Corydalis sect. Leonticoides. The “hilar region” (adopted from Brückner 1985) is the circumhilar region of the seed coat that differs from the peripheral region in some characters. I describe the spatial relationships of organs by assuming an arbitrary polarity. For instance, “the neighborhood of the hilum at the micropylar side” is often expressed simply as “above the hilum,” and accordingly, most of the figures are arranged so that the micropyle is placed above (exceptions: figs. 5.19, 8.27, 14.56, 14.59).

Seed‐coat surface sculpture will be mentioned superficially because it is already described in Fukuhara and Lidén (1995a) in combination with seed‐coat anatomy and also in Brückner (1985) and Oh and Kim (1988).

Reference Phylogeny

The reference phylogeny is shown in figure 19 and includes 20 terminal taxa (OTUs), 15 of which possess dehiscent fruits. The sections of Dactylicapnos and the subgenera of Corydalis are each represented as an OTU. Corydalis subg. Corydalis is very diverse and is subdivided into 34 (Lidén and Zetterlund 1997) or 40 (Wu et al. 1996) sections, but no satisfactory phylogenetic hypothesis within the subgenus could be constructed at present. Two informal subgroups of Cysticapnos and Ceratocapnos, respectively, are also each treated as a unit because they differ from each other in the seed characters examined here. The subtribes Fumariinae and Discocapninae are each used as an OTU because they are exclusively indehiscent fruited and there is strong evidence for the monophyly of each subtribe (table 1). The tree topology is based on the tree of Lidén et al. (1997) inferred from rps16 intron DNA sequences and morphological evidence (table 1). The clade that includes tribe Fumarieae sensu Lidén (1986) and Cysticapnos is called “Fumarieae clade” in this article. Eight of the 14 internal branches (branches marked by 1–5, 7, 9, and 10) are supported by molecular data with large confidence parameters (bootstrap values > 88%) and, except for a few branches, do not contradict morphological evidence (Lidén et al. 1997). Two branches (branches 6 and 8) have weaker support (63% and 78%, respectively) by molecular data, but there are complementary morphological synapomorphies (table 1; see also Lidén et al. 1997). The remaining four inner branches (11–14, all in Fumarieae clade) are supported purely by morphological evidence (table 1).

Table 1

Morphological Characters That Support the Internal Branches of the Reference Phylogeny (

Fig. 19

, Branches Marked by 1–14), Discocapninae (15), and Fumariinae (16)

1.…Seed‐coat exotestal (Fukuhara and Lidén 1995a)
2.…Endotesta not crystalliferous except for raphal part (Fukuhara and Lidén 1995a)
3.…Intact cell walls of endotegmic cells (Fukuhara and Lidén 1995a)
4.…Staminal filaments completely fused; sepals petaloid (Lidén 1986; Lidén et al. 1997)
5.…Replum covered by valve margins; endocarp cell boundary wavy (Fukuhara and Lidén 1995b)
6.…Basally hollow nectary (Lidén et al. 1997); stigma vasculature pattern (Lidén et al. 1997; Oh and Kim 1997)
7.…Tendriliform ultimate leaflets; large recurved nectaries (Lidén 1986)
8.…Stigma with marginal singular and geminate papillae (Lidén 1986; Brückner 1992a, 1993; Lidén et al. 1997; Oh and Kim 1997)
11.…Tendrils; corolla morphology (Lidén 1986)
12.…Tetraploidy (Lidén 1986); endocarp separating from mesocarp (Lidén 1986; Brückner 1992b; Fukuhara and Lidén 1995b)
13.…Broadly winged petals; stigma with a crest (Lidén 1986); fruits with an apical beak and similar vasculature (Fukuhara and Lidén 1995b)
14.…Tendrils (Lidén 1986); spongy endocarp (Fukuhara and Lidén 1995b)
15.…Tendrils; short pollen colpi (Lidén 1986); one‐seeded puberulent samara with peculiar vasculature (Fukuhara 1995)
16.…One‐seeded nuts; pollen grains pantoporate with thick pore margins and intine protruding from the pores (Lidén 1986); idioblastic sclereid layer in pericarp (Fukuhara and Lidén 1995b); thin seed coat with mesotesta (Fukuhara and Lidén 1995a)

When inferring the pattern of character evolution, each character is considered unordered, and three out‐group taxa, Fumariaceae‐Hypecooideae, Papaveraceae s. str., and Pteridophyllaceae are added to the tree (figs. 20, 21; Drinnan et al. 1994; Kadereit et al. 1994; Hoot and Crane 1995; Hoot et al. 1997). Their seed morphological characters are based on Corner (1976) and Gunn (1980). A consistency index (CI; Kluge and Farris 1969) and a retention index (RI; Farris 1989) were calculated for each character to show the amount of homoplasy, using MacClade version 3.04 (Maddison and Maddison 1989). Because the calculations on the matrix as it is do not count the character changes within polymorphic OTUs and tend to underestimate homoplasy levels (Nixon and Davis 1991), before calculation on each character, polymorphic OTUs were broken into monomorphic subunits. These subunits were assumed to form a monophyletic group with no internal resolution.


Seed Size and Shape

The seeds are spheroidal and compressed along the lateral axis (4 in fig. 1a′). The micropyle‐chalaza‐hilum axis (1 in fig. 1a) of the ovules/seeds is curved (ana‐campylotropus ovules/seeds). As a result of the curvature, (1) the micropyle, the hilum, and (in arillate seeds) the arilbase are located close to each other; (2) the outlines of the seeds viewed from the lateral sides are oval, ovoid, kidney shaped, or, rarely, comma shaped; and (3) the endosperm is notched at the ventral side. The extent of the curvature varies between the taxa (fig. 1); in most taxa, the axis is strongly curved so that the angle of the endosperm curvature is less than 90° (fig. 1a, a′, c–e), while in Ichtyoselmis, Dicentra (fig. 1b), Dactylicapnos sect. Dactylicapnos, and Ceratocapnos, the curvature is weaker and the angle exceeds 90°. The longitudinal axis (2 in fig. 1a) is from 1–1.3 times as long as the dorsiventral axis (3 in fig. 1a), except in Cysticapnos parviflora and Cysticapnos cracca (fig. 13.50c), where the longitudinal axis is ca. 0.8 times as long as the dorsiventral one). The largest seeds (2.5–3 mm in diameter; Lemprocapnos, fig. 2a–b; some species of Corydalis sects. Radixcava, Leonticoides, fig. 7a–c; Capnogorium, fig. 7i; and Archaecapnos, fig. 9i–j) are about three times as long as the smallest ones (0.8–1 mm; some species of Corydalis sects. Fasciculatae, fig. 7h; Asterostigmata, fig. 9f; Chrysocapnos, fig. 9g; Ramososibiricae, fig. 9h; Cheilanthifoliae, fig. 11d–e; Thalictrifoliae, fig. 11f–g; and C. parviflora and C. cracca, fig. 13.50c). Most OTUs are heterogeneous in seed size (fig. 19, character a), and some sections of Corydalis also show large variations (sect. Corydalis, fig. 6).

Fig. 1

Schematic representations of seed sections (a, be) and ventral view (a′): $$a=\mathrm{aril}\,$$; $$ch=\mathrm{chalaza}\,$$; $$h=\mathrm{hilum}\,$$; $$m=\mathrm{micropyle}\,$$; $$en=\mathrm{endosperm}\,$$. Thick gray lines designate vascular bundles. In a and a′, micropyle‐chalaza axis (1), longitudinal axis (2), dorsiventral axis (3), and lateral axis (4) are illustrated. a, a′, Lemprocapnos spectabilis, strongly curved arillate seeds; b, Dicentra eximia, weakly curved arillate seed; c, Dactylicapnos torulosa, strongly curved arillate seed; d, Pseudofumaria alba, strongly curved arillate seed; e, Cysticapnos vesicaria, strongly curved exarillate seed.

Fig. 2

Seeds of Lemprocapnos spectabilis (a, b), Ehrendorferia chrysantha (c, d), and Ichtyoselmis macrantha (e, f). a, c, e, ventral view; b, d, f, lateral view. $$\mathrm{Scale}\,=1\,\mathrm{mm}\,$$.

Ovule size varies between 250 and 400 μm in length (fig. 15). The curvature at the ovule stages is not as variable across species as in mature seeds. Lemprocapnos (fig. 15.61), Ehrendorferia (fig. 15.63), and Dicentra (fig. 15.62) have similar anatropous ovules, but the curvature of the mature seeds is much stronger in the former two genera (fig. 1a, b; fig. 2a–d; fig. 4.9a–d).


The micropyle (exostome) is closed by the cells arranged in a horseshoe‐like row. The cells are as black and hard as the other part of the seed coat and often form a mound or a short beak (Dactylicapnos torulosa, fig. 5.19). These mounds or beaks are caducous in some seeds (fig. 10.39), but other seeds from the same specimen often retain them. In Pseudofumaria (fig. 14.55) and Ceratocapnos claviculata (fig. 14.56), the micropyle is overgrown by the hilar region–arilbase complex.

Hilum: General Description

In dehiscent‐fruited taxa, the hilum is a round, oblong, or laterally ovoid scar that shows a section of parenchyma in the center of which there are funicle bundles. The region of the seed coat surrounding the hilum often shows a detectable differentiation from the other regions in color, texture, and/or topography and is referred to as “hilar region” here. In indehiscent‐fruited taxa, the “hilum” is merely artificial (figs. 14.5714.59) but is similar to that of dehescent‐fruited taxa in morphology. Although the hilum itself does not show much variation, the morphology of the hilar region and the arilbase often characterizes the taxa of Fumarioideae.

Aril: General Description

Lemprocapnos, Ichtyoselmis, Dicentra, Capnoides, Corydalis (except for sect. Bipapillatae), Dactylicapnos (except for D. aff. scandens), Pseudofumaria, and C. claviculata possess an aril at the ventral side of the seeds. The arils are whitish to pale yellow, glossy, and composed of enlarged cells. In Pseudofumaria (figs. 14.54a–b, 14.55) and C. claviculata (fig. 14.56), not only the raphal region but also the area surrounding the hilum participate in the formation of the aril (“raphe‐hilar region aril”). In the others, i.e., Lemprocapnos, Ichtyoselmis, Dicentra, Capnoides, Dactylicapnos, and Corydalis, the aril protrudes from a region below the hilum, which corresponds to the raphal surface of the ovule (figs. 15.61, 15.62, 15.6615.69), and is called “raphal aril” here. In the raphal arils, the boundary between the aril and seed body may be “abrupt” or “continuous.” In the abrupt type (fig. 12.45), a whitish and soft arilbase protrudes from the flat seed‐coat regions and is clearly demarcated from the supporting seed‐coat region. In the continuous type (fig. 8.23), the boundary between the aril and the seed body is indistinct, and the arilbase forms a transition zone of color and hardness from seed coat to aril. The cross section of the arilbase may be round, oblong, kidney shaped, or crescent shaped and is often laterally or longitudinally elongated. The seed surface below the arilbase is notched in Capnoides (fig. 4.9e) and Corydalis subg. Corydalis (figs. 6, 7, 9).

The primordia of the arils are already present when the ovules are ready to accept pollen tubes. It may be a well‐circumscribed protuberance in Lemprocapnos (fig. 15.61) and Dicentra (fig. 15.62), being moundlike in the former and a longitudinal ridge in the latter, respectively. In Capnoides (fig. 15.66), Corydalis (figs. 15.6715.69), and Pseudofumaria (fig. 15.70), the basal portion of the raphe is swollen as a whole to form the aril primordium, which therefore does not have a clear border to the other parts of the raphe. The apex of the primordium sometimes forms a lateral ridge (Corydalis sect. Incisae, figs. 15.67, 15.68; Corydalis sect. Sophorocapnos). There is no “vestigial” aril in the ovules that are to develop into the exarillate seeds of Ehrendorferia (fig. 15.63), Adlumia (fig. 15.64), and Dactylicapnos aff. scandens (fig. 15.65).

The shapes and sizes of the aril are diverse. In “saddle‐like arils,” the distal part forms an oblong, ovate, or lanceolate (sometimes shallowly lobed) blade, and the lateral parts of the blade are incurved to be more or less fitted to the seed body (fig. 5.20c). This type occurs in Dicentra, Dactylicapnos, and Corydalis and is associated with various types of arilbases. In many sections of Corydalis, the arilbase is more narrow, and the blade is tongue shaped, little broadened distally, and attached to the seed body (“linguiform arils,” fig. 9k). These two types, however, represent extremes of a continuous variation, and the division is arbitrary. Other types are mentioned in the following descriptions for each group.

Micropyle, Hilum, and Aril: Descriptions for Each Group

Lemprocapnos (fig. 2a, b; figs. 3.3, 3.4). 

There is no distinct hilar region, but the coloration of the hilum periphery is delayed relative to other regions during seed maturation; i.e., it is recognized as a less darkened portion before complete maturation. The arilbase is abrupt, neither hardened nor pigmented, and has a kidney‐shaped cross section. The aril primordium is a dome with an oblong base on the raphe of the ovule (fig. 15.61). The aril is distally broad and divided into several lobes, each of which may have from two to three distal lobes.

Fig. 3

Figs. 3.3–3.7, Micropyle‐hilum‐arilbase regions of Lemprocapnos spectabilis (figs. 3.3, 3.4, aril removed in the latter), Ichtyoselmis macrantha (fig. 3.5, aril removed), Ehrendorferia ochroleuca (fig. 3.6), and Ehrendorferia chrysantha (fig. 3.7); m, micropyle; h, hilum; a, aril. Arrowheads in figs. 3.6 and 3.7 designate bright‐colored zones. $$\mathrm{Scales}\,=200\,\mu \mathrm{m}\,$$. Fig. 3.8, Seed surface of E. chrysantha. $$\mathrm{Scale}\,=100\,\mu \mathrm{m}\,$$.

Ehrendorferia (figs. 3.6, 3.7). 

The hilar region is as dark and hard as the other region in mature seeds but is clearly demarcated by forming a round, truncated structure with an angular margin. In the lateral view, the hilar region is sunken and forms a trapeziform notch. There is a small, bright‐colored region just below the hilum (figs. 3.6, 3.7, arrowheads).

Ichtyoselmis (fig. 2e, f; fig. 3.5). 

The arilbase is abrupt, neither hardened nor pigmented, and has an oblong cross section. The aril is distally broad and divided into several shallow lobes.

Dicentra (figs. 4.9a–d, 4.10). 

The ventral portion of the seed forms a flat zone with a narrowly elliptic outline, where the micropyle, the hilum, and the arilbase are placed. There is a groove along the midline of the zone below the hilum, and the arilbase is implanted in the groove. The arilbase is abrupt, longitudinally linear, and not pigmented. The aril is saddle‐like and small in Dicentra peregrina (fig. 4.9b, c), globose or irregularly elongated (reaching 0.5 to 2.5 times as long as the seed length) in Dicentra uniflora (fig. 4.9a), has finger‐like lobes in Dicentra cucullaria, and has several irregular lobes in Dicentra eximia (fig. 4.9d). The primordium is a ridgelike protuberance (fig. 15.62).

Fig. 4

Fig. 4.9, Seeds of Dicentra uniflora (a), Dicentra peregrina (b, c), Dicentra eximia (d), Capnoides sempervirens (e), and Adlumia fungosa (f, g); a, c, df, lateral view; b, g, ventral view. $$\mathrm{Scale}\,=1\,\mathrm{mm}\,$$. Figs. 4.10, 4.11, Micropyle‐hilum‐arilbase regions of D. eximia (fig. 4.10, aril removed) and A. fungosa (fig. 4.11); m, micropyle; h, hilum; a, aril. $$\mathrm{Scales}\,=200\,\mu \mathrm{m}\,$$.

Adlumia (fig. 4.9f, g; fig. 4.11). 

The hilar region is similar to that in Lemprocapnos, but the micropyle, the hilum, and their periphery are slightly protruding.

Capnoides (fig. 4.9e). 

The hilar region is recognized as a pale‐colored and laterally ovate area with a porate surface but is not topographically differentiated. The arilbase is round and darkened and continues to a terete aril.

Dactylicapnos sect. Dactylicapnos (D. macrocapnos [fig. 5.12a, b; figs. 5.15, 5.16]; D. scandens, D. aff. scandens [figs. 5.12c, 5.13], and Dicentra paucinervia [figs. 5.17, 5.20a]). 

The ventral part of the seed is protruding. In D. paucinervia, it is further curved upward, rendering the seed comma shaped (fig. 5.20a). The micropyle and the hilum are separated by longitudinally elongated epidermal cells (figs. 5.15–5.17). In D. macrocapnos, D. scandens, and D. aff. scandens, there is a central longitudinal groove in the region, and the hilum and arilbase (when an aril is present) are placed in the groove. The hilar region is round and truncate in immature seeds (fig. 5.15) but is nearly engulfed by the swelling margins at maturity (fig. 5.16). The arilbase is abrupt and is longitudinally oblong, and the aril is globose and small. In D. paucinervia, the upper surface of the protrusion forms a truncate and pale‐colored hilar region. The apex of the protrusion forms the arilbase that continues to a peltate and lobed aril.

Fig. 5

Fig. 5.12, Seeds of Dactylicapnos macrocapnos (a, b) and Dactylicapnos aff. scandens (c); a, ventral view; b, c, lateral view. $$\mathrm{Scale}\,=1\,\mathrm{mm}\,$$. Figs. 5.13, 5.15–5.19, Micropyle‐hilum‐arilbase region of D. aff. scandens (fig. 5.13), D. macrocapnos (fig. 5.15, immature seed; fig. 5.16), Dicentra paucinervia (fig. 5.17, hilum hindered by the arilbase; its location designated by an arrow), Dactylicapnos lichangensis (fig. 5.18), and D. torulosa (fig. 5.19); m, micropyle; h, hilum; a, aril. $$\mathrm{Scales}\,=200\,\mu \mathrm{m}\,$$. Fig. 5.14, Seed surface of D. aff. scandens. $$\mathrm{Scales}\,=50\,\mu \mathrm{m}\,$$. Fig. 5.20, Seeds of D. paucinervia (a, aril removed except the base), Dactylicapnos roylei (b), and D. lichangensis (c). $$\mathrm{Scale}\,=1\,\mathrm{mm}\,$$.

Dactylicapnos sect. Minicalcara (D. torulosa [fig. 5.19], D. roylei [figs. 5.18, 5.20b], and D. lichangensis [fig. 15.20c]). 

There is a meniscus‐shaped truncate hilar region. The surface of the hilar region is porate in D. lichangensis and D. roylei but smooth in D. torulosa. The arilbase is laterally elongated, continuous but little darkened. The aril is saddle‐like and has a broadened blade.

Corydalis subg. Corydalis (figs. 610). 

There is a somewhat truncate, pale hilar region. The rim bordering the hilar region is obscure in sects. Corydalis (fig. 8.23), Radixcava, Leonticoides (figs. 8.26, 8.27), Capnogorium (figs. 8.28, 8.31), and Chrysocapnos (figs. 10.35, 10.40), but in the other sections distinct. The hilar region of sect. Radixcava and C. nobilis (sect. Capnogorium, fig. 8.28) is shifted downward to the basal part of the terete aril. Corydalis scouleri (sect. Archaecapnos, fig. 10.41) is also deviating; the hilar region forms a straw‐colored dome, the lower edge of which continues to the broad arilbase. Except for sect. Duplotuber (fig. 8.29), the surface of the hilar region shows numerous pores that are intercellular spaces of the underlying parenchyma (fig. 10.41). The contour of the hilar region is kidney shaped, with the concavity corresponding to the micropyle and the convex border adjacent to the arilbase. Corydalis papilligera (fig. 6k) has a pair of swellings flanking the hilar region, being different from the other examined species of the subgenus. The arilbase is continuous, having a round (sect. Corydalis, fig. 8.23; sect. Radixcava; C. nobilis of sect. Capnogorium, fig. 8.28) to more or less laterally elongated cross section (the others). The aril shape is quite diverse. In sect. Corydalis (fig. 6), the arils may be straplike to terete, untwisted (C. lineariloba p.p., fig. 6e; C. caudata); clavate to falcate, untwisted (C. glaucescens, fig. 6a, b; C. turtschaninovii, fig. 6c, d; C. lineariloba p.p., fig. 6g; C. bracteata; C. orthoceras; C. pumila; C. schanginii); globose to cauliflower‐like, untwisted (C. lineariloba p.p., fig. 6f; C. papilligera, fig. 6k); terete, twisted (C. zetterlundii, fig. 6i, j; C. gotlandica; C. paczoskii; C. integra); or clavate to falcate, twisted (C. alexeenkoana, fig. 6h; C. vittae; C. angustifolia; C. malkensis). Section Radixcava and C. nobilis (fig. 7i) of sect. Capnogorium share long terete arils. In the remaining sections, linguiform arils and saddle‐like arils are most common. The former is found in C. arctica (fig. 7f) and C. emanueli of sect. Dactylotuber, C. flaccida of sect. Capnogorium, sect. Chrysocapnos (fig. 9g), sect. Ramososibiricae (fig. 9h, l, m), sect. Incisae (fig. 9k), sect. Fumarioides, and sect. Archaecapnos (fig. 9i, j), and the latter in C. buschii and C. ternata (fig. 7d) of sect. Duplotuber, sect. Fasciculatae (fig. 7h), C. benecincta (fig. 7g) of sect. Dactylotuber, sect. Asterostigmata (fig. 9a) except for C. sheareri, sect. Oocapnos (fig. 9b), sect. Mucroniferae, sect. Chinenses, sect. Latiflorae (fig. 9d, e), and sect. Hamatae (fig. 9c). Corydalis decumbens (fig. 7e, sect. Duplotuber) and C. sheareri (fig. 9f, sect. Asterostigmata) have deeply lobed aril blades and deviate from other members of their respective section. The arils of sect. Leonticoides are also saddle‐like but differ from the others in a thicker and broader blade. They are here classified into two apparently distinct types. One is the “spreading type,” in which the distal part extends downward (C. oppositifolia, fig. 7c; C. afghanica; C. diphylla; C. griffithii; C. uniflora), and the other is “fur‐cap type,” in which the distal part is recurved and forms a half‐open cap surrounding the hilar region (C. darwasica, fig. 7a, b; C. ledebouriana; C. maracandica; C. popovii). The former is different from the latter also in having a very broad arilbase skirting the seed body (fig. 8.27).

Fig. 6

Seeds of Corydalis subg. Corydalis sect. Corydalis. Corydalis glaucescens (a, b), C. turtschaninovii (c, d), C. lineariloba (e, f, g), C. alexeenkoana (h), C. zetterlundii (i, j), and C. papilligera (k); a, d, i, ventral view; b, c, eh, j, k, lateral view. $$\mathrm{Scale}\,=1\,\mathrm{mm}\,$$.

Fig. 7

Seeds of Corydalis subg. Corydalis. Corydalis darwasica (sect. Leonticoides, a, b), C. oppositifolia (sect. Leonticoides, c), C. ternata (sect. Duplotuber, d), C. decumbens (sect. Duplotuber, e), C. arctica (sect. Dactylotuber, f), C. benecincta (sect. Dactylotuber, g), C. aff. appendiculata (sect. Fasciculatae, h), and C. nobilis (sect. Capnogorium, i); a, ci, lateral view; b, ventral view. $$\mathrm{Scale}\,=1\,\mathrm{mm}\,$$.

Fig. 8

Micropyle‐hilum‐arilbase regions of Corydalis subg. Corydalis. Corydalis glaucescens (sect. Corydalis, fig. 8.23), C. arctica (sect. Dactylotuber, figs. 8.24, 8.25), C. darwasica (sect. Leonticoides, fig. 8.26), C. oppositifolia (sect. Leonticoides, fig. 8.27), C. nobilis (sect. Capnogorium, fig. 8.28), C. ternata (sect. Duplotuber, fig. 8.29), C. aff. appendiculata (sect. Fasciculatae, fig. 8.30), and C. flaccida (sect. Capnogorium, aril removed, fig. 8.31); m, micropyle; h, hilum; a, aril. $$\mathrm{Scales}\,=200\,\mu \mathrm{m}\,$$.

Corydalis subg. Sophorocapnos (figs. 11a–i, 12.4412.47). 

Except for sect. Thalictrifoliae (fig. 12.47), there is a distinct hilar region with a kidney‐shaped (fig. 12.45) to meniscus‐shaped (figs. 12.44, 12.46) outline. Section Aulacostigma is unique in having a pair of white patches flanking the hilar region. In SEM micrographs, the patches are recognized as regions of cratered surfaces (fig. 12.45, arrows). The arilbase is whitish, laterally long in cross section in sect. Sophorocapnos (fig. 12.46), while round and small in sects. Cheilanthifoliae (fig. 12.44), Aulacostigma (fig. 12.45), and Thalictrifoliae (fig. 12.47). The aril is saddle‐like in sect. Sophorocapnos (fig. 11a–c), Thalictrifoliae (fig. 11f, g), and Aulacostigma (fig. 11h, i). In sect. Sophorocapnos, C. heterocarpa var. brachystyla (fig. 11a) and var. japonica are deviated from the others in the section (even from var. heterocarpa, fig. 11b) in having massive and deeply lobed arils that often cover more than half of the seed. In sect. Thalictrifoliae (fig. 11f, g), the aril basally uprises and thereby renders the aril to protrude from the seed. In Aulacostigma (fig. 11h, i), the aril blade is basally auriculate and surrounds the hilar region. Section Cheilanthifoliae (fig. 11d, e) have clavate arils.

Corydalis subg. Chremnocapnos (figs. 11j–n, 12.48, 12.49). 

In the two species of sect. Bipapillatae (fig. 11j, k; fig. 12.48), the hilar region is not differentiated and an aril is lacking. In sect. Strictae (figs. 11l–n, 12.49), the seeds have a ventral protrusion that bears a truncate hilar region on the upper face and apically a broad arilbase continuing to a saddle‐like aril, which has an entire margin in C. hindukushiensis (fig. 11l, m) and C. stricta and shallowly lobed in C. adunca (fig. 11n).

Cysticapnos (figs. 13.5013.53). 

The surface between the micropyle and the hilum is striated. In C. vesicaria (fig. 13.51) and C. parviflora, the region below the micropyle is swollen and has a longitudinal groove in which the hilar region is concealed. In C. cracca (fig. 13.52) and C. pruinosa (fig. 13.53), the hilar region is truncate. The lower boundary of the hilar region is grooved. In both types, the hilar region is pale colored.

Pseudofumaria (fig. 14.54a, b; fig. 14.55). 

The region around the micropyle‐hilum is swollen and forms a scutiform appendage, which has a central longitudinal groove. The hilum is placed at the uppermost part of the groove. The protuberance is pigmented and hard above the hilum but white and fleshy below it, forming an aril with a distal notch continued from the groove. In ovules, the part above the future hilum is swollen and slightly grooved already (fig. 15.70, the groove designated by an arrowhead).

Ceratocapnos claviculata (fig. 14.54c, d; fig. 14.56). 

The region around the hilum forms a small, tonguelike, white, and fleshy aril.

Seed‐Coat Surface

Seed‐coat surface is dark brown to black. The epidermal cells have straight margins and are mostly isodiametric. The surface of each cell is most commonly flat or slightly colliculate, and lustrous. Although no cellular hair is present, there is a minute protuberance in the center of the cell surface in Corydalis sect. Duplotuber (figs. 7d–e, 8.29), C. papilligera (sect. Corydalis, fig. 6k), and C. sheareri (sect. Asterostigmata, figs. 9f, 10.33, 10.34). A swollen cell surface topped with a slender spine characterizes Ehrendorferia (figs. 3.63.8). Dactylicapnos sect. Minicalcara and Corydalis sect. Sophorocapnos are variable in surface characters, each cell surface is flat (fig. 5.20b), convex (fig. 5.12b), or has a conical protrusion of various heights (figs. 5.12c, 5.20c, 11b, c). Within a seed, the convexity or protrusion is often more pronounced at the margin than at the lateral faces (figs. 12.44, 13.50d). In Rupicapnos (fig. 14.54e) and Fumaria (fig. 14.59), the middle of the cell surface is sunken, rendering the seed surface alveolate. Granular secondary sculpturing is present in Ehrendorferia chrysantha (fig. 3.8), Dactylicapnos aff. scandens (fig. 5.14), and a few species of Corydalis sect. Sophorocapnos (C. speciosa, C. pterophora, and C. heterocarpa).

Fig. 9

Seeds of Corydalis subg. Corydalis. Corydalis acuminata (sect. Asterostigmata, a), C. crassifolia (sect. Oocapnos, b), C. pseudohamata (sect. Hamatae, c), C. hendersonii (sect. Latiflorae, d, e), C. sheareri (sect. Asterostigmata, f), C. chaerophylla (sect. Chrysocapnos, g), C. cornuta (sect. Ramososibiricae, h), C. gigantea (sect. Archaecapnos, i), C. scouleri (sect. Archaecapnos, j), C. incisa (sect. Incisae, k), and C. ochotensis (sect. Ramososibiricae, l, m); ad, f, i, k, l, lateral view; e, g, h, j, m, ventral view. $$\mathrm{Scale}\,=1\,\mathrm{mm}\,$$.

Fig. 10

Figs. 10.33, 10.35–10.42, Micropyle‐hilum‐arilbase regions of Corydalis subg. Corydalis. Corydalis sheareri (sect. Asterostigmata, fig. 10.33), C. vaginans (sect. Chrysocapnos, fig. 10.35), C. incisa (sect. Incisae, fig. 10.36), C. ducloxii (sect. Asterostigmata, aril removed, fig. 10.37), C. acuminata (sect. Asterostigmata, fig. 10.38), C. hendersonii (sect. Latiflorae, fig. 10.39), C. chaerophylla (sect. Chrysocapnos, fig. 10.40), C. scouleri (sect. Archaecapnos, fig. 10.41), and C. gigantea (sect. Archaecapnos, fig. 10.42); m, micropyle; h, hilum; a, aril. An arrow in fig. 10.41 shows parenchyma around the hilum. $$\mathrm{Scales}\,=200\,\mu \mathrm{m}\,$$. Fig. 10.34, Seed surface of C. sheareri (sect. Asterostigmata). $$\mathrm{Scale}\,=50\,\mu \mathrm{m}\,$$.

Fig. 11

Seeds of Corydalis subg. Sophorocapnos (ai) and subg. Chremnocapnos (jn). Corydalis heterocarpa var. brachystyla (sect. Sophorocapnos, a), C. heterocarpa var. heterocarpa (sect. Sophorocapnos, b), C. pallida (sect. Sophorocapnos, c), C. cheilanthifolia (sect. Cheilanthifoliae, d, e), C. wilsonii (sect. Thalictrifoliae, f, g), C. edulis (sect. Aulacostigma, h, i), C. semenovii (sect. Bipapillata, j, k), C. hindukushiensis (sect. Strictae, l, m), and C. adunca (sect. Strictae, n); a, b, e, f, i, j, m, n, lateral view; c, d, g, h, k, l, ventral view. $$\mathrm{Scale}\,=1\,\mathrm{mm}\,$$.

Fig. 12

Micropyle‐hilum‐arilbase regions of Corydalis subg. Sophorocapnos (figs. 12.44–12.47) and subg. Chremnocapnos (figs. 12.48, 12.49). Corydalis cheilanthifolia (sect. Cheilanthifoliae, fig. 12.44), C. edulis (sect. Aulacostigma, fig. 12.45), C. pallida (sect. Sophorocapnos, fig. 12.46), C. wilsonii (sect. Thalictrifoliae, fig. 12.47), C. semenovii (sect. Bipapillata, fig. 12.48), and C. adunca (sect. Strictae, fig. 12.49); m, micropyle; h, hilum; a, aril. Arrows in fig. 12.45 show white patches on the seed surface. $$\mathrm{Scales}\,=200\,\mu \mathrm{m}\,$$.

Fig. 13

Fig. 13.50, Seeds of Cysticapnos. Cysticapnos vesicaria (a, b), C. cracca (c), and C. pruinosa (d, e); a, c, d, lateral view; b, e, ventral view. $$\mathrm{Scale}\,=1\,\mathrm{mm}\,$$. Figs. 13.51–13.53, Micropyle‐hilum‐arilbase regions of Cysticapnos. Cysticapnos vesicaria (fig. 13.51), C. cracca (fig. 13.52), and C. pruinosa (fig. 13.53); m, micropyle; h, hilum. $$\mathrm{Scales}\,=200\,\mu \mathrm{m}\,$$.

Fig. 14

Fig. 14.54, Seeds of Pseudofumaria lutea (a, b), Ceratocapnos claviculata (c, d), Rupicapnos africana ssp. oranensis (e), and Discocapnos mundtii (f); a, c, e, f, lateral view; b, d, ventral view. Figs. 14.55–14.59, Micropyle‐hilum‐arilbase regions of P. lutea (fig. 14.55), C. claviculata (fig. 14.56), Sarcocapnos crassifolia (fig. 14.57), R. africana ssp. oranensis (fig. 14.58), and Fumaria capreolata (fig. 14.59); m, micropyle; h, hilum; a, aril. $$\mathrm{Scales}\,=200\,\mu \mathrm{m}\,$$.


The scar of detached seeds (“seed scar”) is naturally a reflected image of the hilum; it exposes a section of parenchyma and a section of vascular bundle and is similar to the hilum in size and shape (e.g., compare fig. 16.73 with figs. 3.3, 3.4). The periphery of the seed scar is sometimes slightly brownish, but this character is often inconsistent even in the same fruit.

As in many other members of Papaverales, the placenta of Fumarioideae occupies the inner (adaxial) surface of replums. The placental epidermis is composed of elongated cells with smooth and flat to slightly convex surface.

The most common type of placenta is a narrow one with slightly convex surface (Ehrendorferia, fig. 16.74; Dicentra, figs. 16.76, 16.77; Adlumia, fig. 16.80; Dactylicapnos, figs. 16.78, 16.79; Capnoides; Corydalis p.p., figs. 17.83, 17.84, 17.8617.88; Cysticapnos p.p., fig. 16.81; Pseudofumaria; Ceratocapnos claviculata). In some sections of Corydalis subg. Corydalis (Dactylotuber; Ramososibiricae, fig. 18b, b′; Incisae, figs. 17.90, 17.91, 18c; Archaecapnos p.p., figs. 17.89, 17.92), the placenta is slightly keeled. In Lemprocapnos (figs. 16.71, 16.72), the midline of the placenta is more broadly keeled to mimic a septum and further show irregular undulation. Corydalis subg. Chremnocapnos (figs. 17.85, 18e) also have uneven placental surface. In the above types, the arrangement of the funicles is uniseriate‐alternate (Adlumia, figs. 15.64, 16.80; Dactylicapnos sect. Minicalcara, fig. 16.79; Capnoides, fig. 15.66; Corydalis p.p., figs. 17.86, 17.87, 17.90; Cysticapnos p.p., fig. 16.81; Pseudofumaria, fig. 15.70; C. claviculata), biseriate‐subopposite (Lemprocapnos, figs. 16.71, 16.72; Ehrendorferia, fig. 16.74; Dactylicapnos sect. Dactylicapnos, fig. 16.78; Corydalis p.p., figs. 17.8317.85, 17.88, 17.89), or from three to four seriate‐subverticillate (Dicentra, figs. 16.76, 16.77). Opposite or verticillate arrangement in the ovule stages tends to become subopposite or subverticilate in mature fruits (Lemprocapnos, fig. 15.60 in ovule and fig. 16.71 in seed stages, respectively).

The placenta of Ichtyoselmis (fig. 16.75) and C. vesicaria (fig. 16.82) is broader; the ovules/seeds are scattered there and do not form any recognizable rows.


The funicles are low and inconspicuous in Ehrendorferia (figs. 15.63, 16.74), Ichtyoselmis (fig. 16.75), Adlumia (figs. 15.64, 16.80), Capnoides (fig. 15.66), Dactylicapnos sect. Minicalcara (fig. 16.79), and Corydalis p.p. (sect. Duplotuber, fig. 17.86; subg. Sophorocapnos, figs. 17.87, 17.88, 18d), Pseudofumaria (fig. 15.70), and C. claviculata. More prominent, knoblike funicles are present in Dicentra (figs. 15.62, 16.76, 16.77), Dactylicapnos sect. Dactylicapnos (figs. 15.65, 16.78), Corydalis p.p. (C. integra of sect. Corydalis; C. afghanica of sect. Leonticoides, fig. 18a; sect. Capnogorium, fig. 17.84; sect. Chrysocapnos; C. scouleri of sect. Archaecapnos), and Cysticapnos p.p. (fig. 16.81). Most of Corydalis sect. Corydalis (e.g., figs. 15.69, 17.83) and C. ledebouriana of sect. Leonticoides have longer (200–600 μm) and basally narrower (“trumpet‐like”) funicles. There is usually a fringe around the seed scar; thereby the funicle apex forms a flat to slightly concave “receptacle” for the seed (Ichtyoselmis [fig. 16.75] has a significantly broader fringe). In Ehrendorferia (fig. 16.74), Dactylicapnos sect. Dactylicapnos (fig. 16.78), Cysticapnos vesicaria (fig. 16.82), and Pseudofumaria, however, the seed scar has no distinct fringe. In Dactylicapnos sect. Minicalcara, this character cannot be assigned because the epidermal cells of the placenta are collapsed in the available herbarium samples (fig. 16.79). In Lemprocapnos (figs. 16.7116.73) and Corydalis subg. Chremnocapnos (figs. 17.85, 18e), the seed scars are implanted in the concavity of the uneven placental surface that is fitted to the seeds. In Corydalis gigantea of sect. Archaecapnos (figs. 17.89, 17.92), the funicle apex bearing the seed scar forms a platelike structure, which has an obtusely triangular or pentangular outline that fits to the hilar region of the seeds (cf. fig. 17.92 with fig. 10.42). In three sections of Corydalis subg. Corydalis (Dactylotuber; Ramososibiricae, fig. 18b, b′; Incisae, figs. 17.90, 17.91, 18c), the funicle apex bearing the seed scar is hooked and slightly broadened. In Corydalis incisa (sect. Incisae), the oblique growth of the funicle is already observed at ovule stages (figs. 15.67, 15.68). In this and the previous groups, the seed scar faces either of the two valves of the fruit, and the seeds are flanked by the funicle apex and the valve (fig. 18b′).

Fig. 15

Ovules of fumarioid species when they are mature and ready to accept the pollen tubes. Lemprocapnos spectabilis (figs. 15.60, 15.61), Dicentra eximia (fig. 15.62), Ehrendorferia chrysantha (fig. 15.63), Adlumia fungosa (fig. 15.64), Dactylicapnos aff. scandens (fig. 15.65), Capnoides sempervirens (fig. 15.66), Corydalis incisa (figs. 15.67, 15.68), Corydalis lineariloba (fig. 15.69), and Pseudofumaria lutea (fig. 15.70). $$\mathrm{Scales}\,=200\,\mu \mathrm{m}\,$$.

Fig. 16

Placental regions of Lemprocapnos spectabilis (figs. 16.71–16.73), Ehrendorferia chrysantha (fig. 16.74), Ichtyoselmis macrantha (fig. 16.75), Dicentra eximia (fig. 16.76), Dicentra peregrina (fig. 16.77), Dactylicapnos aff. scandens (fig. 16.78), Dactylicapnos torulosa (fig. 16.79), Adlumia fungosa (fig. 16.80), Cysticapnos pruinosa (fig. 16.81), and Cysticapnos vesicaria (fig. 16.82). Figs. 16.74, 16.79, and 16.81 are dried samples, and therefore, the epidermal cells are shrunken in figs. 16.79 and 16.81. $$\mathrm{Scales}\,=200\,\mu \mathrm{m}\,$$.

Fig. 17

Placental regions of Corydalis. Corydalis lineariloba (sect. Corydalis, fig. 17.83), C. nobilis (sect. Capnogorium, fig. 17.84), C. stricta (sect. Strictae, fig. 17.85), C. decumbens (sect. Duplotuber, fig. 17.86), C. pallida (sect. Sophorocapnos, fig. 17.87), C. wilsonii (sect. Thalictrifoliae, fig. 17.88), C. gigantea (sect. Archaecapnos, figs. 17.89, 17.92), and C. incisa (sect. Incisae, figs. 17.90, 17.91). $$\mathrm{Scales}\,=200\,\mu \mathrm{m}\,$$.

Fig. 18

Patterns in which the seeds of Corydalis are attached to the placenta. a, C. afghanica (sect. Leonticoides); b, b′, C. raddeana (sect. Ramososibiricae); c, C. incisa (sect. Incisae); d, C. racemosa (sect. Cheilanthifoliae); e, C. heracleifolia (sect. Bipapillata). In b, b′, and c, obliquely grown funicles attach the seeds to the valve (hatched).

The characters described above apply to the middle part of fruits and are sometimes different in the distal tapering parts, probably as a result of the spatial limitation. The arrangements of the placentas tend to be uniseriate rather than biseriate, and the placental protuberance less conspicuous.


Taxonomic Distribution of the Seed Morphological Characters: Generic Level

The diversity of 14 seed morphological characters of Fumarioideae (table 2) is coupled with the reference phylogeny in figure 19 and shows two trends of the character distribution.

Table 2

Diagnostic Seed Morphological Characters in Fumarioideae (the Distributions of the Character States Are Presented in

Fig. 19


Seed size and shape: 
 a.…Seed length along the longitudinal axis (mm)
 b.…Curvature of micropyle‐chalaza axis; angle of endospermous fold <90° (0), >90° (1)
Hilar region: 
 c.…Hilar region topography: no topographic differentiation (0); ±truncate, as high as the periphery (1); concave, forming a notch at the ventral side of seeds (2); longitudinally grooved, flanked by swollen parts of seed coat (3); longitudinally grooved, flanked by the lobes of the aril (4); ±truncate and placed on the upper side of the ventral protrusion of seeds (5)
 d.…Hilar region surface: not porate (0); porate (1)
 e.…Aril: absent (0); raphe aril (1); raphe‐hilar region aril (2)
 f.…Arilbase: not as follows (0); longitudinally long (1); laterally long (2)
 g.…Aril‐seed body boundary: abrupt (0); continuous (1)
Surface sculpturing: 
 h.…Cell surface: flat (0); weakly convex (1); strongly convex (2); alveolate (3)
 i.…Protuberance at the center of the cell surface: absent (0); spinular (1); conical (2); papillae (3)
 j.…Granulate secondary sculpture: absent (0); present (1)
Placenta and funicle: 
 k.…Placenta: narrow, flat (0); broad, flat (1); keeled (2); swollen (3)
 l.…Number of funicles clustered at a node
 m.…Funicle shape: moundlike (0); knoblike (1); trumpet‐like (2); platelike (3); hooklike (4); concave (5)
 n.…Fringe around the seed scar: no distinct fringe (0); narrow fringe (1); broad fringe (2); seed‐scar implanted (3, equivalent to the state 5 of the character m)
Fig. 19

The reference phylogeny and the character matrix of seed morphological characters. Solid and shaded branches are strongly and weakly supported by molecular data, respectively, while white lines are morphologically supported clades (see text). Taxa in italics are those with indehiscent fruits. The ranges of the seed length are derived from the present study, Berg 1969, Brückner 1985, Khánh 1973, Lidén (1986, Lidén and Zetterlund 1997, and Stern 1961. Seed surface characters are based on Fukuhara and Lidén 1995a. An asterisk indicates that “organ‐pipe cells” (see text) are present.

First, when the character distributions are optimized on the tree, the 12 discrete characters show a high level of homoplasy and are not very informative for phylogenetic analysis at this level as expressed by low CIs and RIs. These indexes may still underestimate the amount of the homoplasy because homoplastic changes within polymorphic OTUs are not counted (Nixon and Davis 1991). Although seed surface sculptures are often the most rich source of phylogenetic signals derived from seed morphology (Cactaceae, Barthlott and Voit 1979; Ericaceae‐Pyroloideae, Takahashi 1993; Hydrangeaceae, Hufford 1995), they (characters h–j in table 2 and fig. 19) do not contain much phylogenetic information because polymorphisms within OTUs are frequent, and some states are parallel and scattered on the cladogram. Two quantitative characters, seed length (a) and funicle number per node (l), also show large variations within groups and overlaps among the groups, and I could not detect any significant phylogenetic patterns. When the characters are traced on the reference phylogeny (fig. 19), no internal branch is marked by unambiguous character changes except the IchtyoselmisDicentra clade, which is supported by weak seed curvature (b, 0) and the presence of raphal arils (e, 1). In both of the characters, parallel changes occurred in the subfamily, and the latter depends on morphological interpretation of the bright‐colored region below the hilum of Ehrendorferia (see below and fig. 20). Truncate hilar regions (c, 1) could support the DactylicapnosCorydalis clade, which is weakly supported by molecular data (see “Material and Methods”) and the characters of stigma and nectary (table 1). However, it is equally parsimonious that this state is also the basal condition of Fumarieae clade and supports the monophyly of DactylicapnosCorydalis and Fumarieae. Laterally elongated arilbases (f, 2) occur only in the DactylicapnosCorydalis clade. It may be a synapomorphy of the clade, but it is equally parsimonious to assume it occurred parallel in each OTU. I prefer the former interpretation because sect. Minicalcara that has laterally elongated arilbases is possibly paraphyletic, and the sections of subg. Corydalis with round arilbase are likely to form a monophyletic group (see discussion on “Dactylicapnos” and “Corydalis” below).

Fig. 20

Hypotheses on the evolution of arils in Fumarioideae. The horizontal row of boxes shows the character states. Solid and open objects attached to the branches show two alternative hypotheses of the evolution of arils: $$\mathrm{box}\,=\mathrm{origin}\,$$, ax $$\mathrm{head}\,=\mathrm{loss}\,$$, double $$\mathrm{bar}\,=\mathrm{the}\,$$ origin of “organ‐pipe cells.”

Second, although seed morphology is not very informative for the phylogeny among the OTUs, it identifies most of the terminal taxa by a combination of characters. Ehrendorferia, Dicentra, Dactylicapnos sect. Dactylicapnos (except for D. paucinervia), Cysticapnos s. str., and Pseudofumaria are each supported by unique and derived hilar region topography (c). These autapomorphic seed characters not only complement the molecular and other evidence for the monophyly but also potentially contribute to the phylogenetic placement of fossil seeds. Three genera that show internal variation are further mentioned below.


The genus is classified into two sections, Dactylicapnos and Minicalcara, by Khánh (1973; suggested earlier by Berg 1969 and Stern 1961, 1970) distinguished by annual/perennial life cycle, leaf shape, flower size, and fruit shape (Khánh 1973; Lidén 1986). Seed surface sculpture and seed shape are quite variable in the genus so that each species is identified solely by these characters (see the illustrations in Stern 1961 and Khánh 1973), except for “D. scandens species complex” (Khánh 1973; see below) and D. burmanica K. R. Stern, in which seeds and fruits are unknown. They have been, however, hardly considered in the discussion of the phylogeny among the species. Hilar region morphology is clearly different between the sections and supports the monophyly of sect. Dactylicapnos because the species share a protruding hilar region. Because characters other than seed morphology (see above) seem difficult to polarize, sect. Dactylicapnos is likely to be a monophyletic group, but the paraphyly of sect. Minicalcara cannot be rejected.

Dactylicapnos scandens in the sense of Stern (1961) composes a taxonomically intricate group, within which Khánh (1973) recognized three species and one variety. It shares a longitudinally grooved hilar region with D. macrocapnos as a synapomorphy. Among the samples assigned to this group, two specimens (represented by “D. aff. scandens,” one from northern Thailand and the other from Yunnan) lack an aril on seeds, while the remaining two samples (“D. scandens,” both from Nepal) have arillate seeds. All the taxa of Dactylicapnos have been reported to possess arillate seeds (Stern 1961; Khánh 1973), except for D. burmanica.


The subdivision of Corydalis into three subgenera, Corydalis, Sophorocapnos, and Chremnocapnos, is primarily based on the DNA sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of the nuclear ribosomal gene (Lidén et al. 1995) and chloroplast rps16 intron (Lidén et al. 1997) and is supported by the studies on seed and fruit anatomy (Fukuhara 1992; Fukuhara and Lidén 1995a, 1995b; see Wu et al. 1996 for a recent different opinion). The seed/funicle characters that may support the monophyly of these genera are the porate hilar‐region surface in subg. Corydalis (excluding sect. Duplotuber, also occurring in Capnoides and Dactylicapnos sect. Minicalcara), round and small arilbases in subg. Sophorocapnos (excluding sect. Sophorocapnos, also occurring in Lemprocapnos and Ichtyoselmis), and swollen placentae that fit to the seeds in subg. Chremnocapnos, although the first and second ones are much homoplastic. In subg. Sophorocapnos and Chremnocapnos, seed morphology can distinguish each section (see also Brückner 1985, 1992a).

The remainder, subg. Corydalis, is divided into numerous sections, but the sectional division is in dispute (Lidén 1986; Wu et al. 1996; Z. Y. Su and M. Lidén, unpublished manuscript). The present study covers only a small part, and other sources of phylogenetic signals are either fragmentary (DNA sequence, seed anatomy, chromosomes) or difficult to polarize (stigma, corolla, pollen grains). The following discussion is therefore provisional, and further sampling would lead to different and more robust conclusions.

Seed and funicle morphology of the examined sections is summarized in table 3. The descriptions of Brückner (1985) on six sections are confirmed, except that the central fissure of the arilbase of sect. Corydalis is rarely apparent. As Brückner (1985) stated, sect. Corydalis, sect. Radixcava, and C. nobilis (sect. Capnogorium) share round arilbase, terete to clavate arils, and obscure contour of the hilar region. Shoot architecture (Ryberg 1960; Lidén and Zetterlund 1997) and DNA sequences of the ITS region (Lidén et al. 1995) indicate that sect. Leonticoides, rather than C. nobilis, forms a monophyletic group with sect. Corydalis and sect. Radixcava. According to this hypothesis, the broad arilbase of sect. Leonticoides represents the result of parallelism. Fruit anatomy (Brückner 1993) and seed‐coat anatomy (Fukuhara and Lidén 1995a) are shared not only by sects. Corydalis, Radixcava, and Leonticoides but also by C. nobilis. Two sections, Dactylotuber and Duplotuber, have been often grouped together with sects. Corydalis, Radixcava, and Leonticoides on the basis of tuberous and monocotyledonous habit (Wu et al. 1996; see Lidén and Zetterlund 1997 for review). However, their seed morphology is different from the latter sections; they share distinct hilar regions, laterally elongated arilbases, and saddle‐like to linguiform arils with the other 11 sections (table 3). The deviated position of sect. Duplotuber has been confirmed also by recent examination of fruit anatomy (Brückner 1993), seed‐coat anatomy (Fukuhara and Lidén 1995a), and DNA sequences of the ITS region (Lidén et al. 1995). Section Chrysocapnos shares seed characters with C. flaccida (sect. Capnogorium), in agreement with some treatments that lump the section with sect. Capnogorium (Lidén 1986), although recent authors (Wu et al. 1996; Lidén and Zetterlund 1997) tend to consider it close to sect. Ramososibiricae.

Table 3

Diagnostic Seed Morphological Characters among the Sections of



Sections dfhikmyz
C. nobilisa10000100
C. flaccida11000101
C. scouleri11000121
C. gigantea11002311

Note. Characters are symbolized as in table 2 and figure 19, except for two additions, y and z. y, Hilar region topography: truncate with an obscure contour (0), truncate with a distinct rim (1), forming a dome with the hilum on the upper edge. z, Aril shape: terete to clavate arils or their modifications (0), saddle‐like to linguiform arils or their modifications (1), deeply lobed arils (2).

a Sections examined by Brückner (1985).

View Table Image

Many sections of subg. Corydalis exclusively or partly possess explosively dehiscent capsules, in which the valves are instantly uprolled and the seeds launched. Lidén and Zetterlund (1997) recognized two types, according to the character of the pedicel: one with erect pedicels bearing pendent capsules and the other with the pedicels recurved downward (sect. Fasciculatae includes both types). In the present study, both seed and funicle characters are surveyed only for three sections of the former (Dactylotuber p.p., Incisae, Archaecapnos) and two of the latter (Chrysocapnos, Ramososibiricae). As is mentioned earlier, these taxa share small linguiform arils attached to the seed. In hilar region and funicle characters, four groups are distinguished among the examined species.

1. Corydalis scouleri (sect. Archaecapnos, fig. 10.41) with knoblike funicles and dome‐shaped hilar regions.

2. Corydalis gigantea (sect. Archaecapnos, figs. 10.42, 17.89, 17.92) with platelike funicle apices (funicle plates) and distinct hilar regions.

3. Section Chrysocapnos (figs. 10.35, 10.40) with knoblike funicles and slightly convex hilar region that has an obscure contour.

4. Sections Dactylotuber p.p. (figs. 8.24, 8.25), Incisae (figs. 10.36, 17.90, 17.91, 18c), and Ramososibiricae (fig. 18b, b′). They share distinct hilar regions. The keeled placenta grows at the place of the funicle and forms a hooklike structure. The funicle apex is a slightly enlarged platelike part with the seed scar in the center.

These groups apparently do not fit with the pedicel morphology or current taxonomic treatments (see above discussion on Dactylotuber and Chrysocapnos). The phylogenetic implications should be discussed on further sampling of the sections.


Based on various morphological characters, Cysticapnos can be divided into two phenetic groups, Cysticapnos s. str. (C. vesicaria, C. parviflora, and C. grandiflora; the last species is not examined in this study) and a group that was earlier assigned to the genus Phacocapnos (C. pruinosa and C. cracca). Cysticapnos s. str. has two peculiarities: geniculate style (Lidén 1986) and reticulate venation in the fruit valves (Fukuhara and Lidén 1995b). In parallel with these, the grooved hilar region supports the monophyly of Cysticapnos s. str.

Patterns in the Evolution of Seed Morphology: Aril

Nearly 98% of the species of dehiscent‐fruited Fumarioideae possess fleshy and whitish arils, which are often called elaiosomes. As far as hitherto studied, they attract ants so that the seeds are myrmecochorous (Berg 1969; Hanzawa et al. 1988; Nakanishi 1994; Lidén and Zetterlund 1997; Ohkawara et al. 1997). Except for Pseudofumaria and Ceratocapnos claviculata, they developed from a raphal protuberance (raphal arils). The comparison between the distribution of the arils and the phylogenetic hypotheses (fig. 20) suggests the pattern of the evolution of the arils as follows:

1. It is most parsimonious to assume three different origins of the raphal arils (fig. 20, open boxes) with two subsequent losses in Corydalis subg. Chremnocapnos and Dactylicapnos sect. Dactylicapnos, respectively, in combination with the monophyly of the CapnoidesDactylicapnosCorydalis group. On the one hand, this hypothesis is supported by the difference of the aril primordium between Lemprocapnos, Dicentra, and CapnoidesCorydalis but needs to be confirmed by fuller sampling of taxa, especially Ichtyoselmis and Dactylicapnos. On the other hand, if the bright patch below the hilum of Ehrendorferia is homologous to the raphal aril, as is interpreted by Berg (1969), there is an equally parsimonious hypothesis that assumes a single origin. The patch is anatomically composed of translucent palisade cells (Berg 1969; Fukuhara and Lidén 1995a; called “organ‐pipe cells” by Berg) and similar to the raphal aril in the position. Under this hypothesis, the single origin of the raphal aril (fig. 20, solid box) is followed by a transfer to organ‐pipe cells (Ehrendorferia, fig. 20, doubled bar) and four losses (fig. 20, two solid ax heads in and within Dactylicapnos and Corydalis, respectively).

2. The raphe‐hilar region aril of Pseudofumaria and that of C. claviculata each has an independent origin in agreement with Lidén (1986). This interpretation is based on the morphological supports for the clades 13 and 14 of figure 19 (table 1) and is endorsed by the morphological difference of the arils between the two taxa (Brückner 1985).

The diversity in aril shape is still difficult to interpret here because of the extensive variation within the terminal units. Nevertheless, there are several examples where a small aril size is correlated to alternative seed dispersal mode. Within Corydalis subg. Corydalis, there is an obvious association between explosive fruit dehiscence and linguiform or saddle‐like arils that are small and appressed to the seed, probably to enhance flight distance at the cost of attraction to ants (Nakanishi 1994). Among the four examined species of sect. Dactylotuber, nonexplosive C. benecincta (fig. 7g) possesses much larger arils than three explosive species (fig. 7f). However, there are also numerous examples of size variation for which I can give no explanation (Dicentra, fig. 4.9a–d; Corydalis sect. Corydalis, fig. 6; Corydalis heterocarpa, fig. 11a, b). The variation in C. lineariloba (fig. 6e–g) indicates that the aril shape can change quickly during evolution, although the species is a taxonomically problematic group with much variation in flowers, fruits, and chromosome numbers (Lidén and Zetterlund 1997; T. Fukuhara, unpublished data).

Seed Stabilizer

The topography of the hilar region is variable among the terminal taxa but is reasonably constant within them (except for Dactylicapnos sect. Dactylicapnos, Corydalis subg. Corydalis, and subg. Chremnocapnos). Concave hilar regions into which the funicle apex intrudes are observed in four terminal taxa (figs. 19, 21): transverse notches in Ehrendorferia (figs. 2d, 3.6, 3.7) and longitudinal grooves in Dactylicapnos sect. Dactylicapnos p.p. (figs. 5.13, 5.16), Cysticapnos s. str. (fig. 13.51), and Pseudofumaria (fig. 14.55). Each is morphologically distinct from the others, and they have almost certainly originated independently (fig. 21). A possible function of this concavity is the stabilization of the seeds in fruits by grasping the funicle and also by increasing the area of attachment. In the taxa without a hilar concavity, the funicle apex forms a truncate or concave “receptacle” (except for unexamined Dactylicapnos sect. Minicalcara) either by a fringe around the seed scar (seven terminal taxa) or by a sunken seed scar (Lemprocapnos and Corydalis subg. Chremnocapnos). These characters also increase the area of attachment between the seeds and the placenta and could contribute to the stabilization of the seeds. I speculate that the complementary and exclusive distribution of these characters could be a consequence of the functional complementarity of the hilar concavity and the funicle receptacles (the exclusivism may reflect a natural spatial limitation). Seed stabilization may refrain immature seeds from being detached by a mechanical shock or may control the time of seed dispersal by retaining the seeds after fruit dehiscence, but detailed information on the dispersal ecology of the species is necessary to test the hypothesis. The parallel derivation of the longitudinal groove in Dactylicapnos and Cysticapnos is of interest because, in each genus, the species with the groove have exceptional fruit type for Fumarioideae (fleshy reddish pericarp in the former and balloon‐like fruits in the latter; Stern 1961; Lidén 1986, 1993; Fukuhara and Lidén 1995b). They also have broader fruits containing more numerous seeds than the species without groove. Berg (1969) suggested the concave hilar region of Ehrendorferia, which shows passively ballistic seed dispersal (sensu van der Pijl 1972), would be the area where the vibration of capsules are transformed into a pressure to trigger seeds. Although my results do not refute or support his suggestion, it may be argued that the stabilization of the seeds is itself adaptive for the passive ballist; it may hinder the release of the seeds until the wind vibrates the fruits strongly enough to effect large dispersal distance.

Fig. 21

Character distribution of hilar region (the upper row of boxes) and funicle apex (the lower row of boxes) in Fumarioideae. $$\mathrm{Blanks}\,=\mathrm{data}\,$$ missing or inapplicable.

As mentioned earlier, in some Corydalis with explosive fruits, i.e., sections Dactylotuber p.p., Incisae, Ramososibiricae, and Corydalis gigantea (sect. Archaecapnos), the funicle apical plate is fitted to the hilar region and pushes the seed to the fruit valve (fig. 18b, b′). This character may participate in the expulsion of the seeds by giving them an outward tension or by settling the seed in a place proper for ejection. A similar function of the funicles in seed expulsion is debated for the “jaculators” of Acanthaceae (Kapil et al. 1980). Because sect. Archaecapnos is otherwise well defined and probably a monophyletic group (Lidén and Zetterlund 1997), this character must have originated at least twice in subg. Corydalis.

Both of the above‐mentioned cases emphasize the importance of funicle morphology, especially of the hilar regions, in the functional interpretation of seed morphology.


Magnus Lidén helped me in every stage of the study, especially in supplying many materials, sharing the knowledge on fumarioid plants, and his critical reading of an earlier version of the manuscript. I cordially thank Shoichi Kawano and Hiroshi Tobe for their guidance and help throughout the study, Tokushiro Takaso for his guidance in SEM observations, and Larry Hufford and an anonymous reviewer for numerous comments that have improved the manuscript. This study is based on the materials generously provided by the herbaria and botanic gardens listed in the appendix.


Table A1

Voucher Data

Genera, subgenera, sections, and speciesVoucher data
Lemprocapnos Endl.: 
 L. spectabilis (L.) Fukuharaa (=Dicentra spectabilis [L.] Lem.)…Cult. in Kyoto Univ., T. Fukuhara 651 (KYO); S. Okamoto s.n., Korea, Mt. Jiili (KYO)
Ehrendorferia Fukuhara & Lidén: 
E. chrysantha (Hook. & Arn.) Rylandera (=Dicentra chrysantha [Hook.
      & Arn.] Walp)…

H. M. Pollard s.n., U.S.A., California, Ventura Co., 29 VII 1949 (GB); H. K. Sharsmith 4277, California, Mendocino National Forest (TNS); Raiche 0070302, California, Monterey Co. (E); B. C. Templeton 8466, California (KYO)
E. ochroleuca (Engelm.) Fukuhara (=Dicentra ochroleuca Engelm)…K. R. Stern 158, U.S.A., California, Santa Barbara Co., 29 VII 1957 (BM)
Ichtyoselmis Lidén & Fukuhara: 
I. macrantha (Oliv.) Lidén b (=Dicentra macrantha Oliv.)…GBG; H. Smith 2098, Szechwan, reg. austr., 28 V 1922 (UPS)
Dicentra Bernhardi: 
D. eximia (Ker) Torr.aGBG, garden origin
D. peregrina (Rudolph) MakinoaGBG, garden origin
D. uniflora Kellogg…GBG, received from Edinburgh
D. cucullaria (L.) Bernhardi…H. Koyama et al. 6510, U.S.A., North Carolina, Haywood Co. (KYO); W. T. Gillis s.n., U.S.A., Michigan, Clinton Co., 3 V 1967 (KYO); Hufford 333, U.S.A., Minnesota, Goodhue Co.; Hufford 273, U.S.A., Iowa, Van Buren Co.
Adlumia DC.: 
A. fungosa (Aiton) Britton, Stern & Poggenb.aN. C. Fassett et al. 14716, Canada, Wisconsin, Door Co. (MO); seeds received from Heidelberg
A. asiatica Ohwi…S. Okamoto s.n., Korea, northern part, 9‐X‐1935 (KYO); R. Saito 7068, N.E. China (KYO)
Capnoides Miller: 
C. sempervirens (L.) Borkh.aBoufford & Wood 23696, (KYO); seeds received from Heidelberg
Dactylicapnos Wall.: 
 Sect. Dactylicapnos: 
  D. scandens (D. Don) Hutch.…M. Togashi & H. Tuyama 6302843, E. Nepal (KYO); K. Nishioka 141, E. Nepal, Upper Gorzha, (KYO)
  D. aff. scandens (D. Don) Hutch.aT. Shimizu et al. T‐20586, Thailand, Chiangmai prov. (KYO); Chen et al. 3221, Yunnan (KYO)
  D. macrocapnos Hutch.bGBG, received from Edinburgh, E. Nepal; M. P. Edgeworth s.n., Himalaya, 1844 (K)
  Dicentra paucinervia K. R. Stern…S. Bowes Lyen 6030, Sikkim, Talung Chu, 10 V 1971 (BM)
 Sect. Minicalcara (Kháhn) Lidén: 
  D. torulosa (Hook.f. & Thoms.) Hutch.bG. Forrest 11337, Yunnan, Mi Long Shan, IX 1913 (E); Chen et al. 2762, Yunnan (KYO)
  D. lichiangensis (Fedde) Hand.‐Mazz.…F. Ludlow 7542, S.E. Tibet, Near Gyala, 9 VII 1938 (BM)
  D. roylei Hutch.…Falconer 118, Himalaya, Gurhwal, 14 IV 1846 (K)
Corydalis DC.: 
 Subg. Corydalis: 
  Sect. Corydalis: 
   Subsect. Corydalis: 
    C. orthoceras Siebold & Zucc.bFukuhara 656, 658, Japan, Niigata Pref. (KYO)
    C. lineariloba Siebold & Zucc.aG. Murata et al. 68904, Japan, Fukushima Pref.; Fukuhara 198, 653, Japan, Kyoto Pref. (KYO)
    C. papilligera OhwiaFukuhara 654, Japan, Kyoto Pref.; Fukuhara 655, Japan, Niigata Pref. (KYO)
    C. bracteata (Steph.) Pers.bGBG
    C. pumila (Host) Rchb.bGBG
    C. gotlandica Lidén…GBG
    C. malkensis Galushko.bGBG
    C. alexeenkoana N. BuschbGBG, collected by H. Andersson, Caucasus
    C. angustifolia (M. Bieb.) DC.…GBG
    C. paczoskii N. BuschbGBG
    C. vittae Kolak.…GBG
    C. zetterlundii Lidén…GBG
    C. integra Barbey & Fors.‐MajorbGBG, Papanicolau 584
   Subsect. Brevinectaria: 
    C. schanginii (Pallas) A. Fedtsch.…GBG, received from B. Mathew
    C. glaucescens Regel… GBG
   Subsect. Officinalis: 
    C. turtschaninovii BesserbGBG
  Sect. Radixcava Irmisch: 
   C. cava (L.) Schweigg. & Körte…K. U. Kramer & L. Y. Thwestra 4069, Austria, Burgenland (KYO)
   C. marschalliana (Pallas ex Willd.) Pers.…GBG, received from B. Mathew, Yugoslavia
  Sect. Leonticoides DC.: 
   C. griffithii Boiss.…GBG, Wendelbo 895b, Afghanistan
   C. oppositifolia DC.…GBG
   C. uniflora (Sieber) Nyman…GBG
   C. diphylla Wall.…GBG, received from Kew; H. Zetterlund SEP 348, Pakistan, Kalam, 19 IX 1983 (GB)
   C. ledebouriana Kar. & Kir.…GBG
   C. afghanica GillibWendelbo 7369b, Afghanistan, Parwan, 28 IV 1969 (GB)
   C. popovii Nevski ex Popov…GBG, received from Tadjikistan
   C. maracandica Michajlova…GBG
   C. darwasica PrainbGBG
  Sect. Dactylotuber (Rupr.) Popov (including Sect. Benecinctae [Fedde]
     C. Y. Wu & T. Y. Shu):
   C. pauciflora (Willd.) Pers.bM. N. Tamura s.n., Russia, S. Chuyenze (KYO)
   C. emanueli C. A. Mey.…GBG
   C. arctica Popov…T. Kincaid s.n., U.S.A., Alaska, Pribilof Islands, St. Paul, 18 IX 1897 (S); R. Malaise 599, Kamtschatka centralis, 1 IX 1926 (S)
   C. benecincta W. W. Sm.…G. Forrest 20182, N.W. Yunnan (E)
  Sect. Duplotuber Ryberg: 
   C. buschii Nakai…GBG
   C. ternata (Nakai) Nakai…J.‐H. Pak s.n., Korea, Taegu (KYO)
   C. decumbens (Thunb.) Pers.bFukuhara 682, Japan, Kyoto Pref.; Fukuhara 1011, Japan, Tochigi Pref.
  Sect. Fasciculatae Maxim.: 
   C. minutiflora C. Y. Wu…J.‐A. Soulie 3921, Thibet oriental, Prov. de Batang 19 IV 1903 (P)
   C. aff. appendiculata Hand.‐Mazz.…Delavay 2443, Prov. de Yunnan, 28 VII 1894 (P)
   C. calcicola W. W. Sm.…H. Smith 10681, Sikang, Kangting (Tachienlu) distr., 22 VII 1934 (UPS)
  Sect. Capnogorium (Bernhardi) Endl.: 
   C. flaccida Hook.f. & ThomsonbGBG
   C. nobilis (L.) Pers.bGBG, garden origin
  Sect. Oocapnos Popov ex Wendelbo: 
   C. crassifolia Royle…Cult. in Edinburgh. McBeath 0002099, India, Himachal Pradesh, Zingzingbar, (E)
  Sect. Hamatae C. Y. Wu & Z. Y. Su: 
   C. pseudohamata Fedde…H. Smith 4160, Prov. Szechwan, reg. bor.‐occid., 2 VIII 1922 (S)
  Sect. Asterostigmata (Fedde) Fedde: 
   C. temulifolia Franch.…Tao & Su s.n., Hopei, 10 V 1982 (KYO)
   C. duclouxii Lev. & Vaniot…J.‐A. Soulie s.n., Thibet oriental, Principaute de Kiala, 1893 (P)
   C. sheareri S. Moore…T. S. Liu s.n., Kiangxi, 28 IV 1935 (KYO)
   C. taliensis Franch.…Sino‐Amer. Bot. Exped. 1072, Dali‐Xian (TI)
   C. acuminata Franch.…P. P. Farges s.n., Su‐tchuen orientalis (P)
  Sect. Chinenses (Gorovoy & Basargin) C. Y. Wu, Z. Y. Su & Lidén: 
   C. bungeana Turcz.…W. R. Carles 3, Peking, Emperor's Carriage Ground, 19 IV 1887 (E)
  Sect. Incisae: 
   C. incisa (Thunb.) Pers.aFukuhara 684, 685, Japan, Kyoto Pref.
  Sect. Mucroniferae Fedde ex Lidén: 
   C. mucronifera Maxim.…Sven Hedin s.n., N. Tibet, Camp 32, 1896 (K)
  Sect. Chrysocapnos Wendelbo: 
   C. chaerophylla DC.bGBG; cult. in Edinburgh
   C. pakistanica JafribGBG
   C. vaginans RoylebCult. in Edinburgh; McBeath 1601, India, Lahul (E)
  Sect. Latiflorae C. Y. Wu & Z. Y. Su: 
   C. hendersonii Hemsl.…N. Ambolt 6133, Tibet boreali‐occidentalis, 27 VII 1933 (S)
  Sect. Ramososibiricae Fedde ex Wendelbo: 
   C. pauciovulata Ohwi…Pak 589, Korea, Kyonggi‐Do (KYO)
   C. cornuta Fedde…Origin unknown
   C. kushiroensis Fukuhara…Fukuhara 90‐11, 90‐10, Japan, Hokkaido Pref.
   C. ochotensis Turcz.aFukuhara 686, Japan, Tochigi Pref.
   C. raddeana RegelbFukuhara 148, 149, Japan, Hyogo Pref.; Fukuhara 687, Japan, Nagano Pref.
   C. pauciovulata Ohwi…Pak 589, Korea, Kyonggi‐Do (KYO)
  Sect. Fumarioides Lidén: 
   C. impatiens (Pallas) DC.…T. Kira s.n., N.E. China, Taxing'an Ling (KYO); M. Togashi 1234, Shanxi, Wutai‐shan (TI)
  Sect. Archaecapnos Popov ex Michajlova: 
   C. gigantea Trautv. & Mey.bGBG, received from Moscow; K. Ito s.n., Hokkaido, Furano‐shi (SAPS)
   C. scouleri Hook.bGBG, garden origin
 Subg. Sophorocapnos (Turcz.) Fukuhara & Lidén: 
  Sect. Cheilanthifoliae Lidén: 
   C. cheilanthifolia Hemsl.bCult. in Edinburgh, garden origin
   C. ophiocarpa Hook.f. & Thoms.bFukuhara 510, Japan, Nagano Pref.
   C. racemosa (Thunb.) Pers.aFukuhara 601, Japan, Fukuoka Pref.
  Sect. Sophorocapnos (Turcz.) Popov: 
   C. balansae Prain…H. Akiyama 9525, 9526, Japan, Yaku Island
   C. heterocarpa Sieb. & Zucc.a(var. heterocarpa) J. Noguchi s.n., Japan, Tsushima Island; Fukuhara 202, Japan, Ehime Pref.; (var. japonica Ohwi) Fukuhara 690, Japan, Wakayama Pref.; (var. brachystyla Koidzumi) J.‐H. Pak et al. 1056, Bonin, Chichijima Island; M. Yokota s.n., Ryukyu, Okinawa Island
   C. hondoensis OhwibFukuhara 689, Japan, Kyoto Pref. (KYO)
   C. pallida (Thunb.) Pers.…Fukuhara & Shibaike s.n., Taiwan, Hualien Co.; G. Murata et al. 68474, 68473, Japan, Gumma Pref. between Kanyuan & Tailuko, 9 VI 1991 (KYO)
   C. pterophora Ohwi…Fukuhara 86‐1, Japan, Oki (Dogo) Island (KYO)
   C. speciosa Maxim.…Fukuhara 638, Japan, Hokkaido (KYO)
   C. aurea Willd.…O. Degener & I. Dyener 25875, Canada, Alberta (KYO)
  Sect. Thalictrifoliae (Fedde) Lidén: 
   C. tomentella Franch.…GBG, garden origin
   C. wilsonii N. E. BrownbGBG
  Sect. Aulacostigma Lidén: 
   C. edulis Maxim.bGBG, received from Peking; W. P. Fang 19518, Szechwan (KYO)
 Subg. Chremnocapnos (Wendelbo) Fukuhara & Lidén: 
  Sect. Bipapillata Lidén: 
   C. semenovii Regel…Linczewskii & Popov s.n., Asiae Mediae, Montes Septentrionales, Tian schan exterior, 8 VIII 1933 (S, TI)
   C. heracleifolia C. Y. Wu & Z. Y. SubCollector unknown, Sutchuan, 8 XI 1975 (SZ)
  Sect. Strictae (Fedde) Wendelbo: 
   C. adunca Maxim.…H. Smith 2231, Sichuan bor.: Chen‐chiang‐kuan, 5 VII 1922 (UPS); H. Smith 12194, Sikang, Taofu (Dawo) distr., 17 IX 1934 (S)
   C. hindukushensis Wendelbo & Grey‐Wilson…Yoshii 606 (KYO)
   C. stricta Steph. ex Fisch.bM. N. Tamura s.n., Russia, Chuya
Cysticapnos Miller: 
C. vesicaria (L.) FeddebB. Nordenstam & J. Lundgren 1977, Cape prov., Cape Town Div., 23 IX 1974 (GB); A. Moriarty 723 (NBG); seeds received from Heidelberg
C. parviflora Lidén…B. Nordenstam & J. Lundgren 1803, Cape prov., Vanhrynsdorf Div., 10 IX 1974 (GB)
C. pruinosa (Bernhardi) LidénbPhillipson 718, South Africa, Eastern Cape (MO); M. Schmitz 8574 (PRE); Troudeld 365 (PRE)
C. cracca (Cham. & Schltdl.) LidénbB. Nordenstam & J. Lundgren 2003, Cape prov., Malmesbury Div., 23 IX 1974 (GB); M. F. Thompson 2861a (PRE); P. Q. Symons 14553 (PRE)
Pseudofumaria Medik.: 
P. alba (Miller) LidénaGBG; cult. in Kew, garden origin
P. lutea (L.) Borkh.aCult. in Kew, garden origin; U.K., Richmond, no voucher; seeds received from Heidelberg
Ceratocapnos Durieu: 
C. claviculata (L.) LidénbLindhard s.n., Dania, Skov ved Svendborg (KYO); de Betono & Alejandre 1331‐86 (MA)
C. heterocarpa Durieu…J. Gattefosse s.n., Du maroc, Sud‐Ouest, 13 IV 1935 (GB); D. Podlech 41640 (MA)
Sarcocapnos DC.: 
S. crassifolia (Desf.) DC.…GBG, Morroco; GBG, M. Lidén P81
Discocapnos Cham. & Schltdl.: 
D. mundtii Cham. & Schltdl.…E. Wall s.n., Cape peninsula, Constantia Nek., 7 XII 1937 (GB); Harvey 220, “C B S” (E)
Rupicapnos Pomel: 
R. numidica (Coss. & Durieu) Pomel…GBG
R. africana (Lam.) Pomel ssp. oranensis Pugsley…A. Faurie s.n., Algeria, Oran, Vallon de Noiseux, 1 V 1932 (GB)
Fumaria L.: 
F. officinalis L.…Collected by T. Fukuhara, Göteborg, Sweden, no voucher
F. capreolata L.…Cult. in Kew, received from Coimbra Bot. Gard.
F. muralis Koch…Cult. in Kew, received from Coimbra Bot. Gard.

Note. GBG means Göteborg Botanical Garden. Taxonomic arrangements follow Lidén (1986) and Lidén et al. 1997, and Lidén and Zetterlund 1997 for Corydalis.

a Both ovule and placenta‐funicle morphology examined.

b Placenta‐funicle morphology examined.

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