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What Is the Point of Equality?
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Climate Change, Distributive Justice, and “Pre-Institutional” Limits on Resource Appropriation, (Jul 2023): 297–334.Oscar Garza-Vázquez Why expanding capabilities does not necessarily imply reducing injustice: an assessment of Amartya Sen’s Idea of Justice in the context of Mexico’s Oportunidades/Prospera, 81, no.33 (Feb 2021): 442–468.Hal Caswell The contributions of stochastic demography and social inequality to lifespan variability, 49 (Aug 2023): 309–354.Chikako Endo Structural Change Through ‘Collective Action as Democratic Practice’: Linking Grassroots Democracy With Social Justice, (Jun 2023).Kristine Bærøe, Andreas Albertsen, Cornelius Cappelen On the Anatomy of Health-related Actions for Which People Could Reasonably be Held Responsible: A Framework, 48, no.44 (May 2023): 384–399.Alfredo Gaete, Laura Luna, Ilich Silva-Peña, Patricia Guerrero The quest for justice in education: capital and funds of knowledge, 8 (Jun 2023).Nancy S. Jecker The dignity of work: An ethical argument against mandatory retirement, 54, no.22 (May 2022): 152–168.Abraham Singer, Amit Ron The Social Subcontract: Business Ethics as Democratic Theory, 76, no.22 (Jun 2022): 654–666.Walter Bossert, Susumu Cato, Kohei Kamaga Thresholds, critical levels, and generalized sufficientarian principles, 75, no.44 (Jul 2022): 1099–1139.Søren Flinch Midtgaard ‘I’m Just Stating a Preference!’ Lookism in Online Dating Profiles, 10, no.11 (Jan 2022): 161–183.Fredy Prieto Ben Baker (2021). Reporte evaluativo de un manuscrito (hipotético) para un libro introductorio a la filosofía, 9, no.3232 (May 2023): 171–188.Benedetta Giovanola, Simona Tiribelli Beyond bias and discrimination: redefining the AI ethics principle of fairness in healthcare machine-learning algorithms, 38, no.22 (May 2022): 549–563.Toby Napoletano Can Essentiality of Origin Save Meritocracy From The Luck Objection?, 51, no.22 (Sep 2022): 883–895.Urs Lindner On the French Road. 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